More evidence of interest in CAM among medical students

In this survey, most medical students expressed an interest in learning more about CAM in order to make informed recommendations to their patients.

More than 250 first- and second-year medical students at Georgetown University rated their attitudes toward CAM in terms of personal use, inclusion in the curriculum, and use/utility in clinical practice.

  • 91% agreed, “CAM includes ideas and methods from which Western medicine could benefit.”
  • 85% agreed, “knowledge about CAM is important to me as a student/future practicing health professional.”
  • 75% agreed that CAM should be included in the curriculum.

The most frequently indicated level of desired training was “sufficient to advise patients about use.” The greatest level of training was wanted for acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, and nutritional supplements.

These findings support earlier reports of CAM and medical school students here, here, and here.

3/16/07 15:17 JR