Treating cervicogenic headache with spinal manipulation
Cervicogenic headaches originate in the upper spine, neck, and upper shoulders. It can a byproduct of whiplash, neck injury, or...
Type “naprapathy” into Google and — you guessed it, — you’re asked, Did you mean: Naturopathy? No…I meant N A...
A PAR review of chiropractic to treat WAD
Whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) include heaviness or tingling in the arms, dizziness, ringing in the ears, vision changes, fatigue, poor concentration...
Review: Manipulation vs mobilization to treat neck pain
In this Cochrane review, the effects of manipulation and mobilization alone or combined with other treatment approaches on neck pain...
Claims on chiropractic Internet sites that lack support
Prof. Ernst criticizes chiropractic websites that make claims for treating conditions not support by research. And, the CEO of the...
Manual therapy for chronic mechanical neck pain
Researchers from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto reviewed the response to a single session of manual therapy in...
Best treatments for neck pain
The findings come from a report by the Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders, sanctioned by the...
Whiplash and a factor that might affect treatment outcomes
The journal Postgraduate Medicine has a good review article on whiplash. Although it is dated (published in 2001), healthcare professionals...
Treating whiplash with an educational video
As part of our ongoing fascination with whiplash injury, here is a report on the value derived when victims watched...
Chiropractic and whiplash injury
An article in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that patients who see general practitioners and receive a “low intensity...
Does treatment matter after whiplash?
“It is unclear whether this, in some cases disabling, condition can be prevented by early intervention,” says Dr. Alice Kongsted...