A role for cognitive behavioral therapy in treatment-resistant depression
Only a third of patients with depression respond fully to antidepressant drugs, and little evidence exists regarding the best next-step...
CBT and the risk for heart disease
Psychosocial factors are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality, but the effects of psychosocial factor treatment...
Telephone-delivered CBT and exercise to treat chronic widespread pain
Researchers at the University of Manchester, in the UK, studied the clinical impact of telephone-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and...
Comparing mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy
In the past few years this weblog has published dozens of entries on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Therefore, it’s a...
Review: CAM to treat memory loss
Herbals and other CAM are being aggressively marketed for both prophylactic and therapeutic effects in regard to memory disorders. Researchers...
Are psychological treatments effective for fibromyalgia pain?
Some are effective, some are promising, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill.
Effect of CBT for insomnia on suicidal ideation
During the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (abstract 0716) researchers in Illinois and California reported results...
Acupuncture/ pressureB. MANIPULATIVE METHODSBiofeedbackCognitive-Behavioral TherapyHeadache/MigraineHypnosisRelaxationTENS/FNS/VNS
Review: Biofeedback for headache
Dr. Frank Andrasik (photo) at the University of West Florida, in Pensacola has reviewed the evidence for each category of...
Prayer as an alternative to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Joshua Knabb at Philhaven Hospital, in Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania tells us centering prayer overlaps with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, which makes...
Treatment options for insomnia in children and adults
Chronic insomnia affects nearly 16% of adults and up to 25% of children. If you’re in this group, researchers from...
Cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus
Tinnitus is hearing a sound in the ear or in the head in the absence of external acoustic stimulation. This...
Does exercise relieve the symptoms of depression?
Researchers at the University of Washington Department of Family Medicine, in Tacoma, provide a pity review.
So, just how good is exercise to treat depression?
It’s very good, according to researchers at the University of Washington Department of Family Medicine, in Tacoma. Here’s what we...
Review: Mind-body treatments for insomnia
Researchers at Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, in Brazil, reviewed the evidence.
Cognitive behavioral therapy for ADHD
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston, tested cognitive behavioral therapy in adults who were also treated with drugs but...
Is napping “bad” for nighttime sleep?
Two published studies conclude it is not.
Review: Acupuncture for depression
Researchers at The University of Western Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia, conducted this Cochrane Library review.
Effectiveness of CBT and OBT in fibromyalgia
Improvements in physical functioning, pain, and distress, have been reported in patients receiving operant-behavioral (OBT) or cognitive behavioral treatments (CBT)...
Acupuncture is not very effective treatment for major depression
It might help some people, but more effective options are available.
Telephone therapy for depression
Researchers at Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah studied cognitive behavioral therapy–telephone treatment (CBT-TT) as a stand-alone treatment for adult...