Polyphenon E being studied to treat prostate cancer

Polyphenon E is made from decaffeinated green tea, and contains catechins (antioxidants). It’s also called green tea extract.

Earlier this year it was approved by the FDA to treat genital warts.

Medical News Today reports, ” In July, a team of physicians and scientists, led by Nagi Kumar, PhD … received a $3.6 million grant over five years from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).”

As part of the research effort, several hospital from around the US are participating in a study of polyphenon E to treat prostate cancer. The study will include adults between the ages of 30 and 80 years, with the following conditions.

  • Biopsy-proven high-grade prostatic intraepithelial cancer
  • No history of other cancers (other than nonmelanoma skin cancer)
  • No history of liver disease
  • Able to take the study drug and comply with scheduled monthly visits for one year.


Contact any of the following hospitals.

  • Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida
  • University of Chicago in Illinois
  • Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital in Tampa, Florida

12/2/07 16:02 JR