Taking flower power to new heights

I like The Bach Flower Remedies website.

It’s uncomplicated.

“The Bach Flower Remedies work by flooding out negative feelings and emotions.”

It has a moto. “Our work is steadfastly to adhere to the simplicity and purity of this method of healing.” — Dr. Edward Bach, 1936

It tells an inspiring story about its founder who gave up a lucrative Harley Street medical practice and left London, “determined to devote the rest of his life to the new system of medicine that he was sure could be found in nature.”

  • Afraid of the unknown? Aspen
  • Intolerant? Beech
  • Afraid to say “no?” Then say yes to Centaury
  • Might your mind “give way?” Cherry plum
  • Selfish? Chicory
  • Are your dreaming of the future without working in the present? Clematis

But what about clinical trials?

Clincal trials? We don’t need no stinkin’ clinical trials! It works because Dr. Bach says it does and users are satisfied.

And really, that’s all you need to know.

To treat a short-term mood or problem “put 2 drops of each selected remedy in a glass of water and sip as required, but at least 4 times a day, until relief is obtained.” In case of an emergency, use “four drops instead of two.”

Honey, get me the cherry plum.

7/22/06 14:42 JR