A recent post here summarized the risks associated with lead blood levels. It’s more toxic than was previously believed. And if you take Ayurvedic medicine, it’s important to be aware of the risks you are exposed to.
How high is the risk?
Real high!
One of 5 (that’s 20%!) Ayurvedic herbal medicines produced in South Asia and available in Boston South Asian grocery stores contain potentially harmful levels of lead, mercury, and/or arsenic.
These findings are based on the results of laboratory analysis of products that were purchased from Indian markets, supermarkets, and convenience stores within a 20-mile radius of Boston City Hall.
Users of Ayurvedic medicine are at risk for heavy metal toxicity. It’s in the public interest to test all Ayurvedic herbal medicines for toxic heavy metals and display the results prominently on these products.
9/20/06 18:58 JR