Drs. Andrew Mendelsohn and James Larrick at the Panorama Research Institute and Regenerative Sciences Institute, in Sunnyvale, California, have complied an impressive list of reviews on the effects of exercise. Here’s the first in a series of summaries of their recent publications.
Continue reading Trade-offs: Comparing supplements vs. exercise →
The University of Connecticut reports that Dr. Dipak Das falsified the results of some studies of resveratrol.
But the CAM connection goes deeper. Continue reading Resveratrol flawed science, and more →
Dr. Keith Wollen at Washington State University, in Port Angeles, has written a review of treatment options.
Let’s focus on CAM. Continue reading Review: CAM for treating Alzheimer’s disease →
Resveratrol supplements have been popular since 2006, when studies in animals showed “life-extending” and “endurance-enhancing” effects. Similar evidence doesn’t exist for people, which is the reason there are few posts about it on this site.
ConsumerLab.com’s most recent tests revealed that 2 resveratrol supplements provided only 43% and 87%, respectively, of their listed amounts of resveratrol. Continue reading Resveratrol: You don’t always get what you pay for →
The potential benefits of this natural substance found in red wine have been reported in mice — countering the unhealthy effects of a high-calorie diet.
That’s not sufficient reason to take it as a supplement, but for those who do, here’s what you should know. Continue reading ConsumerLab reports on resveratrol →
A natural substance in red wine, known as resveratrol (RSV), offsets the unhealthy effects of a high-calorie diet in mice and significantly extends their life span, according to an article published in The International Herald Tribune, and in The Washington Post.
In this study, mice fed the high-calorie diet became “tubby,” while those who got the high-fat diet plus RSV did not. The full study is online at the journal, Cell. (Vol 127, #4, November 16, 2006)
What are the implications?
Continue reading What’s the buzz on resveratrol? →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point