Category Archives: Quercetin

Using quercetin to reduce illness and maintain mental performance

Quercetin (kwur’-si-tin) is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant in red wine, red apples, green tea, and broccoli.

The average person consumes 25 to 50 mg of quercetin a day. In this double-blind study, 20 cyclists took 1,000 mg of quercetin a day or placebo for five weeks.

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A good summer for curry

Two studies published this summer showed positive health effects of curry. One looked at brain function, the other at the colon.

First, the brain.

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores were compared among 1010 elderly Asians, aged 60 to 93 years. The MMSE is used to determine the extent of dementia in adults. The results of the test were then compared to categories of curry consumption: “often” (more than once a month), “occasionally” (once or more in 6 months but less than once a month), and “never or rarely.”

And the results.

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