It’s thought that people using functional foods with approved health claims may be less likely to adhere to prescribed drug therapy.
Researchers in The Netherlands assessed the influence of the use of phytosterol/-stanol-enriched functional foods on adherence to statin (cholesterol-lowering) therapy among patients initiating treatment. Continue reading Relationship between functional foods and adherence to statins →
Researchers at San Marcos University, in Lima, Peru, conducted a meta-analysis of their effect on the severity of hot flushes in postmenopausal women. Continue reading Soy vs hormone therapy to treat hot flushes →
Prof. Ernst and colleagues evaluated the evidence regarding the effects of herbal and dietary supplements on cognition (ability to reason) in menopause. Continue reading Herbal and dietary supplements on cognition in menopause →
Researchers from the Medical University Vienna, in Austria report that phytoestrogens are generally safe. Continue reading Safety of phytoestrogens reviewed →
Dr. Robert Kelly (photo) is associate director and curriculum coordinator for the Fairview Hospital /Cleveland Clinic Family Medicine Residency Program.
He lists aspects of diet and exercise that are most and less effective in controlling cholesterol. Continue reading Ranking diet and exercise to manage high cholesterol →
Last year, a review of herbals to treat menopausal symptoms concluded that red clover provided no benefit.
A year later and researchers from the General Teaching Hospital Korneuburg, in Austria report more positive findings using red clover extracts (MF11RCE). Continue reading Red clover to treat depressive symptoms in older women →
Researchers from the University of Milano, Italy, list what we know. Continue reading Functional foods and cardiovascular risk →
Last year, a review of herbals to treat menopausal symptoms concluded that red clover provided no benefit.
A year later and researchers from the General Teaching Hospital Korneuburg, in Austria report more positive findings in postmenopausal women using red clover extracts (MF11RCE). Continue reading Red clover extract to treat depressive symptoms →
Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics published guidelines for screening children for high cholesterol blood levels.
Now, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia have estimated the number that might need treatment. Continue reading Treating kids with high cholesterol →
Researchers from the Medical University Vienna, in Austria reviewed the published research. Continue reading Side effects of phytoestrogens →
Ms. Meenakshi Khatta is a nurse practitioner and associate professor at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. Nurse Khatta has reviewed the use of CAM to treat pain due to musculoskeletal conditions.
Here are her findings on herbal supplements used to treat fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Continue reading Herbals for arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions →
Dietary herbal supplements, such as black cohosh, have shown mixed and inconclusive results in placebo-controlled studies of menopausal symptoms.
Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, Illinois compared black cohosh and red clover to hormone therapy for their effects on cognition (reasoning). Continue reading Herbals vs hormones to treat cognition in menopause →
 Researchers from Wageningen University in The Netherlands reviewed the research on the LDL (bad) cholesterol–lowering effects of different phytosterol doses. Continue reading Lowering cholesterol with phytosterols →
Laboratory studies suggest that phytoestrogens, found in soy products such as tempe and tofu, could protect against cognitive (reasoning) decline. But an earlier study in humans suggested the opposite.
Here’s what researchers from Loughborough University in the UK found. Continue reading Tofu associated with worse memory →
“People should not routinely be recommended to take plant sterols and stanols for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD).”
That’s the word from the London-based National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Continue reading NICE says no to cholesterol-cutting foods →
Treatment with genistein — a naturally occurring estrogen in soybeans — has the potential to regulate bone metabolism without harmful estrogenic activity in the breast and uterus,” says Dr. Herbert Marini from the University of Messina in Italy.
In this study, genistein had positive effects on bone health in postmenopausal women who had evidence of bone wasting.
Unfortunately, they didn’t measure fracture rate. Continue reading Almost the definitive study on bone health in postmenopausal women →
The extent of the benefit is related to the person’s body mass index, according to researchers from the University of Toronto in Ontario. Continue reading The relationship between dietary phytoestrogen and breast cancer risk →
Researchers from the University of Yamanashi in Japan reviewed studies of soy isoflavones (ie, phytoestrogens [plant estrogens] found chiefly in soybeans) and report “It decreases bone loss in the spine.”
But… Continue reading Reviewing the benefits of soy isoflavone on bone in menopausal women →
The effect of genistein, daidzein, miso soup, and soy food on the risk of prostate cancer differs based on the stage of the disease.
Continue reading Update on soy, isoflavones, and the risk of prostate cancer →
Isoflavones are one of the phytoestrogens found mainly in soybeans. Here’s a somewhat technical study from researchers at the Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong where isoflavones had beneficial effects on blood flow in people at risk for cardiovascular complications. Continue reading Probing the value of isoflavones in patients at risk for cardiovascular complications →
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