Redness, tenderness, and swelling of the skin are common during radiotherapy for breast cancer.
Melatonin-based creams protect from these effects in rats. So, researchers at Tel Aviv University, in Israel, tested it in women with breast cancer. Continue reading Melatonin cream protects from radiation burns in breast cancer patients →
It’s just a report on 3 patients, but it’s important because some people with autism are already taking St. John’s wort. Continue reading First report: St. John’s Wort for autism →
Sleep disturbance is common in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and melatonin is widely prescribed despite a lack of guidelines.
Researchers in France reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Review: Melatonin to treat autism spectrum disorders →
Evidence for CAM to treat depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been reviewed by researchers at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, in Kenner.
Here’s what we know. Continue reading Review of CAM for behavioral health →
During the Sleep 2009 meeting, researchers from Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennessee reported that in children with autism spectrum disorders, low-dose melatonin may be an effective treatment for insomnia. Continue reading Melatonin to treat insomnia in autistic children →
Researchers from Duke University Hospital, in Durham, North Carolina found positive effects in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Continue reading Melatonin treatment of insomnia in ADHD →
Dr. Desiree Lie from the University of California in Orange has reviewed the evidence for a range of conditions that are treated with melatonin.
Here are her thoughts on its use to treat insomnia. Continue reading Melatonin for insomnia →
Researchers from Columbia University in New York City looked at the evidence in breast cancer patients. Continue reading Is it risky taking antioxidants during cancer treatment? →
Coronary artery calcification is the accumulation of calcified fatty deposits on the inside of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Their presence is a predictor of future coronary heart disease. Researchers from the University of Chicago in Illinois report that sleeping longer is associated with lower calcification.
Let’s review the research and reviews from 2008 that looked at CAM options to treat insomnia. Continue reading Short sleep duration and coronary artery calcification →
Researchers from the Netherlands set about to determine whether the progressive changes in symptoms seen in dementia might be affected by the 2 major synchronizers of the circadian timing system: bright light and melatonin. Continue reading Bright light, melatonin, and dementia →
Here’s a follow-up to an earlier post on the use of CAM in the US in 2007 as surveyed by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Continue reading Most commonly used natural products →
Good news, all of the products tested passed the analyses for melatonin and lead contamination. Continue reading ConsumerLab tests melatonin supplements →
An article published on Medscape discusses the impact of stress on insomnia. In addition to a brief mention of mindfulness, the author limits the discussion to benzodiazepines or ramelteon (Rozerem), which acts on melatonin receptors.
There are so many other options that the author fails to even mention. So, I’ll mention them here. Continue reading Giving equal time to CAM options to manage stress →
Drs. Kalyanakrishnan Ramakrishnan and Dewey Scheid from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center have published a review of treatment options for sleeplessness.
Melatonin, valerian, and several non-drug treatments are compared to benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine options. Continue reading Comparing treatments for insomnia →
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released its biennial revision of “the yellow book,” a health guide for international travel.
It’s comprehensive. The focus here is on Chapter 6: Jet Lag. Continue reading CDC reviews CAM options to minimize jet lag →
Patients with the highest risk for sleep disturbance are those with pain, mental illness, limited activity, and overall “poor physical and mental health.” Continue reading What to do about the high prevalence of insomnia →
In 1993, Senator Orrin Hatch said, “most of these [herbal remedies] have been on the market for 4,000 years, and the real issue is risk. And there is not much risk in any of these products.”
Now, the American Association of Poison Control Centers defines that risk after more than 20 years of data collection.
Continue reading Poison control centers report on the safety of supplements →
A study presented recently during the Society of Integrative Oncology’s Third International Conference in Boston showed that taking antioxidant supplements during external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer has no effect on PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels.
Continue reading Antioxidants are safe during external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point