Prof. Ernst has reviewed the evidence.
Here’s what we know. Continue reading CAM options to treat menopausal symptoms
Prof. Ernst has reviewed the evidence.
Here’s what we know. Continue reading CAM options to treat menopausal symptoms
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, reviewed allopathic and CAM options.
Let’s focus on CAM. Continue reading Review: CAM to treat menopausal vasomotor symptoms
Dr. Darrell Hulisz from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio has written a continuing education article on herbals.
Here are the author’s take-away points, with additional references added. Continue reading Key points about commonly used herbals
The World Health Organization has predicted a 39% rise in the worldwide prevalence of diabetes by 2030. And an article in The Lancet indicates this might be an underestimation.
Since November is Diabetes Month, here’s a round-up of CAM options for people with diabetes from 2006 through March 2007.
Continue reading CAM and diabetes: An update of recent studies
The Zoft Gum Company, which makes several herbal supplement chewing gums (eg, breast enlargement, weight reduction) has introduced a new gum to help manage the symptoms of menopause.
There are no studies of this gum for treating menopausal symptoms in women. And the discussion of the gum’s ingredients on the Zoft website is misleading.
This summary should provide balance. Continue reading Zoft Menopause Gum
An earlier entry cautioned about being overly enthusiastic about dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) as a miracle supplement. Now, we have evidence that it lacks any measurable anti-aging effect.
The Centers for Disease Control has just published the latest data on the prevalence of diabetes in the US.
Is it any wonder that so many CAM therapies are studied in people with diabetes?
A quick listing of CAM entries for diabetes on this blog is provided below. Or, click the button on the right sidebar to see all of the diabetes entries.
“The main voices in favor of DHEA as a miracle drug are those who are selling it or who make a good living selling books or programs advocating ‘natural cures’.” That’s the conclusion from the Skeptics Dictionary. But look for yourself, and you will agree.
Here is another reason to be skeptical of DHEA [dehydroepiandrosterone].
Johrei (pronounced Jo-ray) is a non-touch healing method similar to reiki. It involves channeling of “universal healing energy” to influence the health of another person. Three studies in the past 15 months have attempted to correlate subjective changes with other objective outcomes.
Here’s a quick review.