Category Archives: Coenzyme Q10

Product review: CoQ10 and ubiquinol

CoQ10 and its activated form, ubiquinol, are popular supplements for treating or preventing a range of conditions including congestive heart failure, migraine headache, high blood pressure, and Parkinson’s disease — although none of the evidence is conclusive. tested 31 products for content and dosing. Continue reading Product review: CoQ10 and ubiquinol

Is it necessary to take coenzyme Q10 during statin therapy?

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) are the main drug category prescribed to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Their action on HMG-CoA lowers LDL cholesterol. But it also lowers coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) production in muscles where it’s needed to maintain muscle respiration and function.

Ms. Jessica Pomaikai Asherin at Pacific University, in Hillsboro, Oregon, reviewed the evidence for supplementing statin therapy with CoQ10 in order to lower the risk of stain-induced muscle pain and tenderness (myopathy). Continue reading Is it necessary to take coenzyme Q10 during statin therapy?

Getting specific about CAM-drug interactions

Dr. Philip Hansten from the University of Washington School of Pharmacy has spent more than 30 years chronicling and documenting drug interactions.

In an article in Pharmacy Times, he and Dr. John Horn focus on the risks for people with diabetes or taking blood thinners. Continue reading Getting specific about CAM-drug interactions

Coenzyme Q10 to prevent muscle pain or tenderness caused by statins

Myalgia (muscle pain or tenderness) is the most common side effect of taking statins to treat high cholesterol blood levels. It’s also the biggest reason to lower the dose or stop treatment with these important drugs.

There’s some support that the muscle-related side effects of statins could be due to a statin-induced deficiency in coenzyme Q10.

But not here. Continue reading Coenzyme Q10 to prevent muscle pain or tenderness caused by statins

Anael, his tumors, and the Hippocrates Health Institute

Anael L’Esperance-Nascimento (photo) is the little boy from Quebec whose parents refused a second round of chemotherapy for his brain and spinal cord tumors. Instead, Anael will be treated at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.

The intent of this post is to review wheatgrass, “an integral part” of the Hippocrates treatment. Continue reading Anael, his tumors, and the Hippocrates Health Institute

New study disputes the value of CoQ10 to treat Parkinson’s disease

In 2002, the Parkinson Study Group reported that CoQ10 (coenzyme Q 10) slowed deterioration in patients with early Parkinson’s disease even though it failed to postpone the start of levodopa (Dopar) treatment.

Now, a study in patients with midstage Parkinson’s disease without changes on muscle function and control reports disappointing results. Continue reading New study disputes the value of CoQ10 to treat Parkinson’s disease