This product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm.
Swallowing doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the labeling can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration. Continue reading Consumer Alert: Miracle Mineral Supplement aka MMS →
Drs. Andrew Mendelsohn and James Larrick at the Panorama Research Institute and Regenerative Sciences Institute, in Sunnyvale, California, have complied an impressive list of reviews on the effects of exercise. Here’s the first in a series of summaries of their recent publications.
Continue reading Trade-offs: Comparing supplements vs. exercise →
The typical way to stop smoking is to quit abruptly, but some smokers opt to reduce smoking before quitting as an alternative approach to cessation.
Researchers from the UK and Vermont reviewed the evidence in this Cochrane review. Continue reading Does it matter how you stop smoking? →
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for preventing and treating the common cold has been a subject of controversy for 70 years.
Now, The Cochrane Library has reviewed the data. Continue reading Here’s what we know about vitamin C and the common cold →
Approximately 30% of people over 65 years of age living in the community fall each year.
This Cochrane review updates what we know. Continue reading Reducing the rate and risk of falling →
Silymarin (Silybium marianum), an extract of milk thistle, is often used to treat chronic liver disease.
Researchers with the Silymarin in the NASH and C Hepatitis (SyNCH) Study Group studied its effect when combined with interferon. Continue reading Milk thistle fails in study of Hep C treatment →
FDA is warning consumers that Reumofan Plus, marketed as a natural dietary supplement for pain relief and other serious conditions, contains several active pharmaceutical ingredients not listed on the label that could be harmful.
Here’s what we know. Continue reading Consumer alert: Reumofan Plus →
Man Up Now claims to be “herbal” and “all natural.” Consumers may mistakenly assume the product is harmless and poses no health risk. One consumer below thinks it no big deal.
Consumers who have Man Up Now capsules should stop using them, because the FDA determined it contains sulfoaildenafil, a chemical similar to sildenafil, and the active ingredient in Viagra. Continue reading Consumer Alert: Man Up Now capsules →
In this Cochrane review, researchers at the Sydney Children’s Hospital, in New South Wales, Australia, evaluated the evidence that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation reduces morbidity and mortality. Continue reading Omega-3 for cystic fibrosis →
The FDA tells us that Wholistic Herbs Inc. is recalling all of its “Koff & Kold” spray with herbal extract and “Kold Sore” spray with liquid sea mineral. Continue reading Consumer Alert: “Koff & Kold” and “Kold Sore” →
According to the FDA, RegenArouse (Lot 130100) contains tadalafil (Cialis), an FDA-approved drug used as treatment for male erectile dysfunction, making this product an unapproved new drug. Continue reading Consumer Alert: RegenArouse →
In this Cochrane review, researchers at the Child and Adolescent Care Centre, in Chennai, India, assessed the effects. Continue reading Ayurvedic treatments for diabetes mellitus →
Zingiber officinale, commonly known as ginger, has been used to treat pain, among other things.
Prof. Ernst and colleagues from the University of Exeter, in the UK reviewed the evidence for the use of ginger to treat any type of pain. Continue reading Review: Ginger to treat pain →
For decades, politicians like Mayor Michael Bloomberg of NYC have tried to get Americans to eat less salt.
Now Scientific American asks, “But if the US does conquer salt, what will we gain?”
Answer: bland french fries. Continue reading Finally, sanity in the salt wars → has reported problems with 29% of the vitamin D supplements selected for testing and review. Continue reading More quality control problems with Vitamin D →
Acupuncture is commonly used for pain control, but doubts about its effectiveness and safety remain.
Prof. Ernst and colleagues reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Does acupuncture relieve pain? →
In October 2010 the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) conducted a telephone survey. Continue reading CAM use among older Americans →
It has been suggested that yoga has a positive effect on low back pain and function.
Now, Prof. Ernst and colleagues have reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Yoga to help ease low back pain →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point