Researchers in Finland and Germany studied the first year of life. Continue reading Dog and cat exposure and the risk of respiratory symptoms and infections
Category Archives: Infants
Influence of maternal DHA supplements on infant morbidity
Researchers in the US and Mexico studied the effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on immune function and inflammation. Continue reading Influence of maternal DHA supplements on infant morbidity
Prevalence of supplement and tea use among infants
Researchers in Ohio and Maryland describe the use of dietary botanical supplements and teas among infants. Continue reading Prevalence of supplement and tea use among infants
CAM: It might be “natural,” but is it safe?
Not always, according to this report from the Royal Children’s Hospital, in Melbourne, Australia. Continue reading CAM: It might be “natural,” but is it safe?
Music therapy for preterm infants and mothers
Researchers at Meir Medical Center, in Kfar Saba, Israel, studied the response to live harp music therapy and kangaroo care in the neonatal intensive care unit. Continue reading Music therapy for preterm infants and mothers
Vitamin A supplements prevent morbidity and mortality in children
Vitamin A deficiency is a major public health problem in low and middle income countries and can lead to many adverse health consequences, including death.
This Cochrane review evaluated the effect of vitamin A supplementation in children aged 6 months to 5 years. Continue reading Vitamin A supplements prevent morbidity and mortality in children
Chiropractic care of infants with colic
Researchers in Pennsylvania and California reviewed the evidence on the chiropractic care of patients with infantile colic. Continue reading Chiropractic care of infants with colic
Review: Probiotics to treat diarrhea
Review: CAM for infantile colic
Almost all babies go through a fussy period. When crying lasts for longer than about 3 hours a day and is not caused by a medical problem (such as a hernia or infection), it is called colic.
Prof. Ernst and colleagues evaluated nutritional supplements and other complementary and alternative medicines. Continue reading Review: CAM for infantile colic
Using sucrose to control pain in newborns
Sucrose has pain relieving and calming effects in newborns. But do these beneficial effects extend to care-giving procedures performed after painful procedures?
Researchers at the University of Toronto in Ontario report their findings, with an update for 2011. Continue reading Using sucrose to control pain in newborns
Does zinc prevent middle ear infections?
Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear, usually caused by infection) affects people of all ages, but is particularly common in young children.
This Cochrane review evaluated studies of children younger than 5 years. Continue reading Does zinc prevent middle ear infections?
CAM use among US adolescents
Prof. Ernst sees encouraging evidence for some treatments.
But does it matter? Continue reading CAM use among US adolescents
Synbiotics and preventing asthma-like symptoms in infants
Researchers at the Academic Medical Center, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands studied symbiotic therapy to prevent asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis–chronic inflammation of the skin. Continue reading Synbiotics and preventing asthma-like symptoms in infants
Might vitamin D deficiency make you chubby?
Less vitamin D means more adiposity, according to researchers in the US and Bogota, Columbia. Continue reading Might vitamin D deficiency make you chubby?
Sweet solutions help infants tolerate immunizations
Researchers from The Hospital for Sick Children, in Toronto, Canada reviewed the evidence for giving sweet solutions to infants before immunization. Continue reading Sweet solutions help infants tolerate immunizations
Consumer Alert: Hyland’s Teething Tablets
Oh, Oh. They added belladonna.
FDA found that this homeopathic product contains inconsistent amounts of belladonna, and using it may pose a risk to children. Continue reading Consumer Alert: Hyland’s Teething Tablets
Lack of effect of omega-3 on maternal depression and baby’s intelligence
International experts recommend that pregnant women increase their DHA intakes.
But researchers at the Women’s and Children’s Health Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia, failed to identify benefits in the DOMInO (DHA to Optimize Mother Infant Outcome) study. Continue reading Lack of effect of omega-3 on maternal depression and baby’s intelligence
Infants not consuming adequate vitamin D
In November 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doubled the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for infants and children, from 200 IU/day (2003 recommendation) to 400 IU/day.
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Atlanta, Georgia assessed whether infants in the US are meeting these recommendations during their first year of life. Continue reading Infants not consuming adequate vitamin D
Giving sugar to infants to control pain
Researchers at the University College London, in the UK, tell us, “Many infants admitted to [the] hospital undergo repeated invasive procedures. Oral sucrose is frequently given to relieve procedural pain in neonates on the basis of its effect on behavioral and physiological pain scores.”
Here are the results of their study that measured brain activity during an acute painful procedure. Continue reading Giving sugar to infants to control pain
FDA issues vitamin D recommendations for infants
The FDA is alerting parents and caregivers that some liquid Vitamin D supplement products are sold with droppers that could allow excessive dosing of Vitamin D to infants. Continue reading FDA issues vitamin D recommendations for infants