There are about 253,000 people living with spinal cord injury in the United States, with approximately 11,000 new cases each year.
Researchers at Pusan National University, in Yangsan, South Korea, reviewed the evidence for acupuncture to facilitate recovery. Continue reading Acupuncture for treating patients with spinal cord injury →
Researchers from Childrens Hospital Los Angeles and Eastern Center for Complementary Medicine, in California reviewed the literature on pediatric acupuncture research.
You can review the details of their findings here. But more interesting are their insights into the research process and clinical practice. Continue reading Things to contemplate when reviewing acupuncture studies →
Urinary tract infections are the most common medical complication in people with spinal cord injury.
Researchers at the University of Guelph, in Ontario, reviewed the evidence for cranberry to prevent or treat these infections and found it lacking. Continue reading Review: Cranberry and urinary tract infections in spinal cord injury patients →
Researchers at the University Medical Centre Utrecht and De Hoogstraat, in The Netherlands surveyed the use of CAM in a large group of Dutch patients with spinal cord injury. Continue reading CAM for spinal cord injury pain →
Researchers from Keio University School of Medicine, in Tokyo, Japan make concise conclusions.
Here are the highlights. Continue reading Review: Exercise for diseases that limit movement in the elderly →
“There is no robust data concerning the incidence or prevalence of adverse reactions after chiropractic,” according to reviewers from Portugal. Continue reading Safety of chiropractic →
Dr. Petra Kaufmann (not in the photo) at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York reports that high-dose coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) is not promising enough to warrant further study as a treatment for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease). Continue reading Coenzyme Q10 fails in treatment of ALS →
It’s almost as good as low-dose trimethoprim (Bactrim, Septra) with fewer side effects, according to researchers at the University of Dundee in Scotland.
Although, based on these results, it is as good. Continue reading Cranberry extract prevents urinary tract infection →
Researchers from VA Boston Health Care System in West Roxbury, Massachusetts report that “cranberry extract tablets should be considered for the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTI) in spinal cord injured (SCI) patients with neurogenic bladder.” Continue reading Cranberry tablets prevent UTI in neurogenic bladder →
Neck pain is a frequently reported complaint, and mechanical traction is often used to aid outpatient rehabilitation.
In this Cochrane review by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, the effects of mechanical traction for neck disorders is assessed. Continue reading Mechanical traction for neck pain →
Researchers from Belgium and Norway reviewed the evidence for non-pharmacological management of orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure upon standing) during the early rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury.
Here’s what they found. Continue reading Treating orthostatic hypotension after spinal injury →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point