Category Archives: Sleep (Insomnia)

Up in smoke: Medical marijuana debunked


Proponents of the use of medical marijuana like to start speeches and articles by quickly stating that cannabinoids are of proven value in treating many diseases.

Poppycock. This site has stated repeatedly: not true, not true, not true.

Now the evidence is in, and we were right. JAMA confirms that the evidence supporting the effectiveness of cannabinoids is tenuous at best. And risk of side effects with cannabinoids to treat anything is high.

Continue reading Up in smoke: Medical marijuana debunked

Using CAM to improve the lives of cancer patients

During the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, researchers at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, in Perth, Western Australia reported less distress, and improvements in pain, fatigue, nausea, appetite, sleep, breathing and bowel function. Continue reading Using CAM to improve the lives of cancer patients

Massage-myofacial release therapy in fibromyalgia

Fascia is the soft tissue component of connective tissue that supports and protects muscles. Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy used to treat pain and restricted motion.

Researchers at the University of Almería, in Spain, looked for improvement in pain, anxiety, quality of sleep, depression, and quality of life. Continue reading Massage-myofacial release therapy in fibromyalgia