Two more research studies warn against having a cavalier approach to cannabis.
First, researchers at University of Sydney, in Australia, determined the prevalence of recent alcohol, nicotine, or cannabis use in young persons presenting for mental healthcare. Continue reading More dangers of pot smoking reported →
In 2009, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that more than 13,000 emergency room visits were associated with energy drinks.
Now, The New York Times tells us, FDA reports the caffeine drink, 5-hour Energy, may have been involved in 13 deaths over the past four years.
There’s no absolute proof that these drinks were the sole cause of these events. And the makers of 5-Hour Energy and Monster Energy insist their products are safe and unrelated to the problems reported to the FDA.
Regardless. Continue reading Risks due to energy drinks →
Cannabis is considered a cause of psychotic illness, interacting with genetic and other environmental risk factors.
Researchers at Maastricht University Medical Center, in The Netherlands, investigated whether an urban environment contributes to the effects of adolescent cannabis use on psychosis risk. Continue reading Effect of an urban environment on cannabis psychosis risk →
Researchers at Maastricht University Medical Center, in the Netherlands, studied the use of cannabis in adolescence and their risk for psychotic outcomes. Continue reading Further support for the cannabis/psychosis connection →
It might be useful for some patients, say researchers at the University of Sydney, in Australia.
But which ones? Continue reading Music therapy during an acute psychotic episode →
Researchers at Prince of Wales Hospital, in New South Wales, Australia, reviewed the evidence to determine the extent to which use of cannabis, alcohol, and other psychoactive substances affect the age at onset of psychosis. Continue reading Cannabis use and the risk of psychosis →
Research suggests that cannabis use has a negative effect on onset and outcome of schizophrenia.
Now, researchers at Eli Lilly Nederland at Houten, The Netherlands report, “cannabis users experienced less satisfaction with life and had a lower probability of having a relationship compared with nonusers.” Continue reading Negative effects of cannabis in bipolar disorder →
For over 2 decades, cannabis (marijuana) has been the most widely used illicit drug by young people in high-income countries, and has become popular on a global scale.
Researchers from the University of Queensland, in Herston, Australia reviewed the adverse effects. Continue reading Adverse effects of non-medical cannabis →
Attorney General Eric Holder says the US Justice Department will no longer raid medical marijuana clubs. His declaration is a fulfillment of a campaign promise by Barack Obama, and marks a major shift from the previous administration.
In fact, there’s scant support for medical marijuana based on medical science. Here’s what’s been published in just the past 6 months. Continue reading Marijuana: Politics trumps reality →
Dr. Cecile Henquet, of the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology at the University of Maastricht, presented a summary of what we know during the 23rd European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress.
Here are the highlights of an interview on Medscape. Continue reading Update: Cannabis and the risk of psychosis →
Researchers from Faculté des Sciences du Sport, in Bordeaux, France compared the response to 2 exercise programs vs usual care. Continue reading Targeted exercise programs in geriatric institutionalized people →
Researchers from Australia report that early use of marijuana is a risk-modifying factor for psychosis in young adults. Continue reading The association betweeen cannabis use and psychosis →
Researchers from Unifob Health in Bergen, Norway reviewed the literature to “examine the benefits of music therapy for people with serious mental disorders.” Continue reading Music therapy for serious mental disorders →
Researchers from the Norwegian University tell us, “The benefits of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) for humans with mental disorders have been well-documented using cats and dogs.”
But what about farm animals? Continue reading Farm animals help treat mental disorders →
 Early onset of psychosis is associated with a history of lifetime cannabis abuse or dependence, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Continue reading Marijuana and the onset in psychotic disorders →
Researchers from Italy and the US studied changes in psychological symptoms, reasoning, abuse, tolerability, quality of life, fatigue, and ability to control movement in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who had never before been exposed to cannabis. Continue reading Response to cannabis by non-smokers with MS →
Researchers from Spain and Boston studied the relationship between age and cannabis use in patients with a first psychotic episode. Continue reading Effect of cannabis on the onset of psychosis →
In the largest unselected, population-based study on this topic to date, researchers from Finland observed “Cannabis use is associated with prodromal symptoms of psychosis in adolescence.” Continue reading Cannabis and psychosis in adolescence →
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