Category Archives: Pain-Neuropathic

Healing touch: 31 unsuccessful studies and counting

A few years ago, a review of 30 studies of healing touch concluded, “no generalizable results were found.” In plain English that means there was no disease nor any group of patients with a disease where healing touch was a reliable treatment alternative.

A new study of healing touch in 12 veterans with neuropathic pain and the associated psychological distress from post spinal cord injury comes to the same conclusion.

Continue reading Healing touch: 31 unsuccessful studies and counting

Magnets for lower back pain?

My thought about this study is that considering the academic and research “pedigree” of the authors (ie, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [NCCAM], National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, and Columbia University), why did they settle for such a rudimentary study design?

When you get to the end of this post, consider if this study advanced the state of our knowledge on this topic. Continue reading Magnets for lower back pain?