Acupuncture: Effective to treat chronic pain
Although it’s widely used for chronic pain, there’s controversy as to its value. Now, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,...
Does acupuncture relieve pain?
Acupuncture is commonly used for pain control, but doubts about its effectiveness and safety remain. Prof. Ernst and colleagues reviewed...
Predictors of a positive response to acupuncture for chronic pain
Researchers in Germany searched the records from almost 10,000 patients for predictors of a positive response.
TENS to treat latent myofascial trigger points
Myofascial trigger points may cause joint pain, headaches, and other kinds of pain so severe that it doesn’t respond well...
TENS to treat trapezius muscle trigger points
The trapezius muscle contains trigger points (hyperirritable spots). Referred pain from these trigger points frequently cause patients to seek treatment....
Feldenkrais as group treatment for chronic pain
Researchers at Umea University, in Sweden, report on the experiences of people with chronic pain after Feldenkrais group intervention.
Punching holes in the claims for acupuncture
Acupuncture is commonly used for pain control, but there are doubts about its effectiveness and safety. Prof. Ernst and colleagues...
TENS to treat upper trapeszius trigger points
Researchers at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, in Bournemouth, UK investigated the immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in...
Acupuncture: Does the number of needles matter?
Not according to this study of patients with neck pain, reported by researchers in Italy.
Tai chi in female computer users
Workplace computer use has been linked to musculoskeletal disorders, a leading cause of work disability and productivity losses in industrialized...
Which exercise for nonspecific neck pain in office workers?
Researchers at Chulalongkorn University, in Bangkok, Thailand, reviewed research on exercise options to prevent and cure nonspecific neck pain.
Long-term effects of naprapathic therapy on back and neck pain
Researchers at the Karolinska Institutet, in Stockholm, Sweden, evaluated the long-term effects of naprapathic manual therapy on staying active in...
Type “naprapathy” into Google and — you guessed it, — you’re asked, Did you mean: Naturopathy? No…I meant N A...
Review: Manipulation vs mobilization to treat neck pain
In this Cochrane review, the effects of manipulation and mobilization alone or combined with other treatment approaches on neck pain...
Acupuncture to treat pain after neck disscetion
Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in New York City studied whether acupuncture reduces pain and dysfunction in patients with...
Using Gausha to treat musculoskeletal pain
Guasha (aka Gha Sha) is used in Chinese medicine to control pain. It uses tools to scrape or rub the...
Review: Qigong to treat pain
Qigong is an internal martial art in which one learns to sense the Qi (the circulating life energy) moving in...
Do fancy keyboards improve work-related arm, neck, or shoulder complaints?
Ergonomic adjustments (modified keyboard layouts and ergonomic advice) play a major role in treating most work-related complaints. This Cochrane review...
Qigong and exercise for neck pain in the elderly
There were “no significant differences for pain, neck pain, disability, and quality of life,” according to researchers at Charité University...
Benefits of massage for chronic neck pain
 Researchers from the University of Washington, in Seattle studied whether therapeutic massage is beneficial treatment for chronic neck pain.