Category Archives: Pain

Up in smoke: Medical marijuana debunked


Proponents of the use of medical marijuana like to start speeches and articles by quickly stating that cannabinoids are of proven value in treating many diseases.

Poppycock. This site has stated repeatedly: not true, not true, not true.

Now the evidence is in, and we were right. JAMA confirms that the evidence supporting the effectiveness of cannabinoids is tenuous at best. And risk of side effects with cannabinoids to treat anything is high.

Continue reading Up in smoke: Medical marijuana debunked

Music to manage chronic pain

Treating chronic pain is challenging. Often, the reason for the pain isn’t clear and may require combinations of treatments before finding relief, if then.

Researchers at the Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherches, in Paris, France assessed the usefulness of their music intervention to manage patients with chronic pain. Continue reading Music to manage chronic pain