If campaigns to promote more healthful eating are ineffective, how else might society address the obesity epidemic?
MailOnline reports that deportation is an option. Continue reading Too fat to live in New Zealand
If campaigns to promote more healthful eating are ineffective, how else might society address the obesity epidemic?
MailOnline reports that deportation is an option. Continue reading Too fat to live in New Zealand
Now, researchers from Imperial College London and the InterAct consortium report an association with type 2 diabetes in Europeans who drink sugar-sweetened soft drinks. Continue reading Increased risk of type 2 diabetes associated with sugar-sweetened drinks
During EPI/NPAM 2013 — Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions — researchers from Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, reported that drinking large amounts of sugary beverages was associated with an increase in body-mass index (BMI), which in turn was linked with BMI-related deaths from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Continue reading Risk of death due to sugar-sweetened drinks
Is excessive sugar intake associated with development of type 2 diabetes?
Researchers in California studied whether altering sugar intake might account for differences in diabetes prevalence. Continue reading Impact of sugar intake on diabetes risk
Researchers in the Netherlands have reported their findings in the Active Prevention in High-Risk Individuals of Diabetes Type 2 in and Around Eindhoven (APHRODITE) study. Continue reading Contributions of the counselor in diabetes lifestyle education
Khat (Catha edulis) is a shrub from northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, with stimulant effects similar to but less intense than cocaine or methamphetamine.
Researchers at Hamad General Hospital, in Doha, Qatar, studied its effects in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) — a condition associated with insufficient blood flow to the heart.
As you read this summary it might be useful to consider that addicts can detox from drugs in New York.
Continue reading Risks of chewing khat in people with acute coronary syndrome
Despite the reported benefits, weight loss isn’t always advised for older adults because some studies have associated weight loss with increased mortality.
Researchers from North Carolina and Maryland, put this belief to the test. Continue reading Does losing weight reduce your risk of early death?
Here’s the new European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) position statement on the role of vitamin D after menopause. Continue reading New vitamin D recommendations for menopausal women
Researchers at the University of California, in Berkeley, studied girls, 9 to 20 years old. Continue reading Effect of eating frequency on adiposity
… and other things you should know.
The authors tell us, “Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Continue reading Mayo Clinic lists the benefits of yoga
Researchers at the University of Chicago, in Illinois, determined whether sleep restriction attenuates the effect of dieting on excess adiposity. Continue reading Effect of insufficient sleep on dieting
Researchers at MRC Human Nutrition Research, in Cambridge, UK, compared weight loss with standard treatment in primary care to a commercial provider. Continue reading Best program to loss weight
Researchers at Yonsei University College of Medicine, in Seoul, Republic of Korea, studied changes in metabolic parameters, inflammatory markers, arterial stiffness, and fatigue. Continue reading Coenzyme Q(10) supplementation in obese people
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston, investigated the effect of calcium + vitamin D-supplemented orange juice on weight loss and visceral (internal organs) adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults. Continue reading Calcium + vitamin D effect on abdominal fat mass
Researchers across the US combined their efforts to define the relationship between fitness and body mass index (BMI) with mortality. Continue reading The ultimate benefit of fitness
Obesity and its cardiovascular complications are common medical problems, but evidence on accomplishing weight loss in clinical practice is sparse.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, examined the effects of two behavioral weight-loss interventions. Continue reading Behavioral weight-loss in patients with cardiovascular risk
Researchers at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, recorded the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (an unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid) and safflower oils on blood sugar levels, blood lipids, and inflammation. Continue reading Effects of safflower oil and linoleic acid in diabetes
Researchers at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York, tested the hypothesis that the mechanism responsible for reduced intake was not the dietary composition of the meal replacement, but the controlled portion sized meals. Continue reading Portion size is the answer for losing weight
Researchers in Europe and Australia compared weight loss with standard treatment vs a commercial provider (Weight Watchers). Continue reading Long-term response to Weight Watchers diet
Researchers in the UK and Columbia reviewed the association between chocolate and the risk of developing cardiometabolic disorders — high blood pressure, abnormally high glucose, elevated triglycerides, low “good” cholesterol, abdominal obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity. Continue reading Benefits of chocolate on the heart