Category Archives: Incontinence: Fecal

Biofeedback and gastrointestinal illness

A review of the literature by researchers from the University of Verona in Italy reveals that in the right patient, “For both incontinence and dyssynergic defecation, the benefits of biofeedback last at least 12 months.”

Dyssynergic defecation is one of the most common forms of functional constipation both in children and adults. Continue reading Biofeedback and gastrointestinal illness

Biofeedback for fecal incontinence

Earlier posts here, here, and here, discussed biofeedback and constipation. Here’s a study in people with incontinence where more than 70% demonstrated improvement.

The researchers start by telling us “biofeedback is well established as a treatment for fecal incontinence.” This study assessed short-term outcomes and predictors of treatment success.”

First the details.

  • The researchers at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia reviewed 513 consecutive patients treated with biofeedback over 10 years.

And the results.

  • Each outcome improved for more than 70% of patients.
  • Incontinence scores decreased 32%.
  • Quality of life improved by 89%.
  • Maximum anal sphincter pressure increased 12 mmHg (14%).

Treatment success was more likely in women, older people, and people with more severe incontinence.

5/5/07 15:57 JR