Emphasis in this study by researchers in Spain was on walking, the most common form of physical activity. Continue reading Hospitalization rate based on changes in physical activity in people with COPD
Category Archives: COPD
Improvement in symptoms with acupuncture treatment of COPD
Last year, the Canadian Thoracic Society clinical practice guidelines, advised there was insufficient evidence to support the routine use of acupuncture to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Since then, 2 more studies have been published. Continue reading Improvement in symptoms with acupuncture treatment of COPD
Treating COPD with vitamin D
Low vitamin D levels are associated with reduced lung function (FEV1), impaired immunologic control, and increased airway inflammation.
Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have vitamin D deficiency. So, researchers at the University Hospitals Leuven, in Belgium, studied whether supplementation with high doses of vitamin D could reduce the incidence of COPD exacerbations. Continue reading Treating COPD with vitamin D
Limits of CAM: Dyspnea in patients with COPD
Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) is a cardinal symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Its severity and magnitude increase as the disease progresses, leading to significant disability and a negative effect on quality of life.
Here are the Canadian Thoracic Society clinical practice guidelines, with emphasis on CAM. Continue reading Limits of CAM: Dyspnea in patients with COPD
Lack of effect of an Echinacea cocktail on exacerbations of COPD
Upper respiratory tract infections frequently exacerbate chronic-obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Researchers in Indonesia and Switzerland evaluated the effect of Echinacea purpurea + micronutrients in order to reduce the severity of these infections. Continue reading Lack of effect of an Echinacea cocktail on exacerbations of COPD
Effects of retirement on chronic disease
An international group of researchers looked for changes in the risk of chronic diseases, depressive symptoms, and fatigue. Continue reading Effects of retirement on chronic disease
Association between soy and COPD
Researchers from Japan and Australia investigated the relationship between soy consumption and the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory symptoms. Continue reading Association between soy and COPD
Adverse effects of non-medical cannabis
For over 2 decades, cannabis (marijuana) has been the most widely used illicit drug by young people in high-income countries, and has become popular on a global scale.
Researchers from the University of Queensland, in Herston, Australia reviewed the adverse effects. Continue reading Adverse effects of non-medical cannabis
Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation on COPD
It improves quality of life even in patients with less-advanced cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Researchers from Maastricht University Medical Center, in the Netherlands reported their results during the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society. Continue reading Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation on COPD
Reviewing pomegranate research
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told POM Wonderful that their UK billboard showing a bottle of pomegranate juice and a hangman’s noose, and proclaims the juice can “cheat death” must be taken down.
ASA says “We considered the evidence… but concluded that it fell short of showing any direct relation between consuming the product and a longer life.”
So, what’s the evidence? Continue reading Reviewing pomegranate research
Growing evidence supports garlic to treat hepatopulmonary syndrome
It occurs in up to 20% of patients with cirrhosis of the liver and should be considered in anyone who develops difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
In 1992, researchers from the University of Florida published a report of a patient with hepatopulmonary syndrome who failed drug therapy, refused surgery, but improved while taking garlic supplements.
Here’s the latest study from the Medical College Calcutta, in India. Continue reading Growing evidence supports garlic to treat hepatopulmonary syndrome
Effects of marijuana on lung function
Some changes were reported in this study by researches at the University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand.
But what does it mean for you and me? Continue reading Effects of marijuana on lung function
Heart effects of alternate nostril breathing
Researchers at Nepal Medical College in Kathmandu measured the physiological effects of Nadi Sodhana (alternate nostril breathing). Continue reading Heart effects of alternate nostril breathing
CAM options to treat pain at the end of life
Of the many symptoms experienced by those at the end of life, pain is one of the most common, feared, and often undertreated,
Dr. Perry Fine from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City reviews the treatment options, including CAM. Here’s a summary. Continue reading CAM options to treat pain at the end of life
Marijuana and the risk of COPD
Researchers from Canada and the US studied the effects of marijuana and tobacco on the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Continue reading Marijuana and the risk of COPD
Non-pharmacological treatments for breathlessness
 Here are the results of a Cochrane review of non-drug options in advanced stages of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Continue reading Non-pharmacological treatments for breathlessness
Breathing training for asthma patients
 Researchers at the University of Aberdeen in the UK report that it has benefits, but doesn’t change the underlying disease. Continue reading Breathing training for asthma patients
Music helps breathing in people with COPD
Get out your MP3 player if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
As the researchers from the University of Hamburg state in their ivory tower way, “Auditory distraction might… serve as an intervention for the reduction of dyspnea [difficulty breathing] during exercise in this patient group.” Continue reading Music helps breathing in people with COPD
Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation
After 6 months, twice as many smokers who chose hypnotherapy remained smoke free compared to those going “cold turkey,” according to this report at last year’s meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians. Continue reading Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation
Christopher Columbus and the CAM connection
The connection, of course, is bromelain, which comes from pineapples. Continue reading Christopher Columbus and the CAM connection