Category Archives: COPD

Treating COPD with vitamin D

Low vitamin D levels are associated with reduced lung function (FEV1), impaired immunologic control, and increased airway inflammation.

Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have vitamin D deficiency. So, researchers at the University Hospitals Leuven, in Belgium, studied whether supplementation with high doses of vitamin D could reduce the incidence of COPD exacerbations. Continue reading Treating COPD with vitamin D

Limits of CAM: Dyspnea in patients with COPD

Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) is a cardinal symptom of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Its severity and magnitude increase as the disease progresses, leading to significant disability and a negative effect on quality of life.

Here are the Canadian Thoracic Society clinical practice guidelines, with emphasis on CAM. Continue reading Limits of CAM: Dyspnea in patients with COPD

Reviewing pomegranate research

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) told POM Wonderful that their UK billboard showing a bottle of pomegranate juice and a hangman’s noose, and proclaims the juice can “cheat death” must be taken down.

ASA says “We considered the evidence… but concluded that it fell short of showing any direct relation between consuming the product and a longer life.”

So, what’s the evidence? Continue reading Reviewing pomegranate research

Growing evidence supports garlic to treat hepatopulmonary syndrome

It occurs in up to 20% of patients with cirrhosis of the liver and should be considered in anyone who develops difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

In 1992, researchers from the University of Florida published a report of a patient with hepatopulmonary syndrome who failed drug therapy, refused surgery, but improved while taking garlic supplements.

Here’s the latest study from the Medical College Calcutta, in India. Continue reading Growing evidence supports garlic to treat hepatopulmonary syndrome

CAM options to treat pain at the end of life

Of the many symptoms experienced by those at the end of life, pain is one of the most common, feared, and often undertreated,

Dr. Perry Fine from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City reviews the treatment options, including CAM. Here’s a summary. Continue reading CAM options to treat pain at the end of life