Category Archives: Cerebral Palsy

Benefits of keyboard playing in people with cerebral palsy

0Cerebral palsy results from injury to or abnormal development of the brain, with various problems in movement, posture, and other behavioral functions.

Researchers at the Graduate School of Education and Ewha Music Rehabilitation Center, in Seoul, Korea, studied the effects of Therapeutic Instrument Music Performance (TIMP) for fine motor exercises in adults with cerebral palsy.

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Reducing the risk of cerebral palsy with magnesium

Magnesium sulfate is given to prevent seizures in pregnant women with preeclampsia (high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine) and to inhibit preterm labor.

This Medscape report from the meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine states that injections of magnesium sulfate may protect against moderate to severe cerebral palsy. Continue reading Reducing the risk of cerebral palsy with magnesium