This product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm.
Swallowing doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the labeling can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration. Continue reading Consumer Alert: Miracle Mineral Supplement aka MMS →

Proponents of the use of medical marijuana like to start speeches and articles by quickly stating that cannabinoids are of proven value in treating many diseases.
Poppycock. This site has stated repeatedly: not true, not true, not true.
Now the evidence is in, and we were right. JAMA confirms that the evidence supporting the effectiveness of cannabinoids is tenuous at best. And risk of side effects with cannabinoids to treat anything is high.
Continue reading Up in smoke: Medical marijuana debunked →
The tanning industry is a thriving, largely unregulated $2 billion industry.
Researchers on The New England Journal of Medicine Journal Watch Dermatology Board reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Use of tanning beds by Caucasian women →
If campaigns to promote more healthful eating are ineffective, how else might society address the obesity epidemic?
MailOnline reports that deportation is an option. Continue reading Too fat to live in New Zealand →
Researchers at the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon, South Korea, reviewed the evidence for treatment.
And, researchers from the University of Manchester, in the UK reviewed the response to self-needling maintenance treatments. Continue reading Evidence for acupuncture to treat cancer-related fatigue →
It’s reported that 55% of patients with ovarian cancer acknowledge a fear of dying, and 32% experience loss of hope in their fight against this illness.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School, in Boston, examined CAM and its influence on hopelessness in these patients. Continue reading Hopelessness and the value of CAM in ovarian cancer →
Cesium (or ceasium) chloride is promoted as a CAM cancer treatment based on the hypothesis referred to as “high pH cancer therapy.”
Researchers from Surrey Memorial Hospital, in British Columbia, reviewed the risk of developing a heart arrhythmia called torsades de pointes and cardiac arrest in people using this chemical as CAM treatment. Continue reading Dangerous heart rhythm disturbance caused by cesium →
Maintenance acupuncture is recommended following successful clinic-based acupuncture.
Researchers at the University of Manchester, UK, assessed the effectiveness of self-maintenance acupuncture in the management of cancer-related fatigue (CRF). Continue reading Self-acupuncture among people with beast cancer →
Testicular cancer has increased steadily, but the cause(s) remains elusive.
Researchers at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, evaluated the relation between testicular cancer and exposure to marijuana and other recreational drugs. Continue reading Marijuana increases the risk of testicular cancer →
During the Olympics, you may have noticed brightly colored kinesiology (aka Kinesin) tape attached to the legs, backs, arms and other body parts of athletes.
It’s meant to help stabilize tendons and joints and provide pressure relief. Researchers at the National Defense Academy, in Japan, studied its potential to alleviate muscle weakness. Continue reading Kinesiology tape →
In the ‘70s, commercial tanning beds were introduced. In less than 3 decades, over half of adults in northern Europe reported using them.
Now, growing evidence of health risks is leading to restricted access to indoor tanning, worldwide. Continue reading The end of tanning parlors →
About 15 years ago, researchers in the US published the results of a study showing that taking selenium supplements lowered the risk of prostate cancer.
Now, researchers in the UK have examined all the available evidence for selenium intake, selenium levels in the body, and prostate cancer risk. Continue reading Does selenium reduce the risk for prostate cancer? →
Cancer-related fatigue is occurs in 50% to 90% of all patients with cancer and severely affects quality of life, in addition to decreasing the daily functional capacity.
During the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting, researchers from several US universities reported that American ginseng reduces general and physical cancer-related fatigue. Continue reading Treating cancer-related fatigue with American ginseng →
Researchers in North Carolina and in China reviewed the association between dietary fiber intake and risk of breast cancer. Continue reading Dietary fiber and the risk of breast cancer →
Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examined the relationship between 4 low-risk behaviors and mortality among a group of people in the United States. Continue reading Effect of low-risk lifestyle behaviors on the risk of dying →
Involuntary weight loss is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity in patients with advanced cancer.
Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, studied patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer first-line chemotherapy. Continue reading Effect of fish oil on weight loss during chemotherapy →
Qigong is often used by cancer patients to help manage their symptoms.
Researchers at The University of Hong Kong, in China, evaluated the effectiveness of qigong exercise in cancer care. Continue reading Review: Qigong in patients with cancer →
It’s controversial.
Now, researchers at Imperial College, in London, UK, have reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Do fruit and veggies lower colorectal cancer risk? →
Researchers at Klein Buendel Inc, in Golden, Colotrado, examined compliance with sunscreen advice at ski areas in western North America. Continue reading Few skiers use sunscreen as directed →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point