Back in the ‘90s there were several reports of serious interactions in people who used Ginkgo biloba with other “blood thinners” to treat peripheral vascular disease (ie, dementia and claudication).
Researchers at Inje University College of Medicine, in Busan, Republic of Korea, evaluated the effects of G. biloba extracts on the pharmacokinetics of the antiplatelet drug cilostazol (Pletal) and its metabolites. Continue reading Interaction of Ginkgo biloba with antiplatelet drugs →
Researchers in France participating in the GuidAge Study Group assessed the long-term use of standardized ginkgo biloba extract in elderly adults with memory complaints. Continue reading Ginkgo biloba fails to prevent Alzheimer’s disease →
Researchers at Swinburne University, in Melbourne, Australia, reviewed the evidence and compared the responses to modafinil (Provigil).
Reportedly, Panax ginseng and Bacopa monnieri have consistent acute and chronic cognitive effects, respectively. Continue reading Cognitive benefits of ginseng and bacopa →
There’s lots of interest, but nobody ever reviewed the evidence before this.
Researchers at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, Massachusetts, accepted the challenge. Continue reading Review of art therapies in dementia care →
Researchers at the Foundation of Public Health, Mutuelle Generale de l’Education Nationale, in Paris, reanalyzed data from the Women’s Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study (WACS), a cohort of women with prevalent vascular disease or 3 cardiovascular risk factors. Continue reading Support for exercise to preserve cognitive function →
Apathy is prevalent among patients with Alzheimer’s disease and is associated with greater morbidity and worse outcomes.
Researchers in Spain report that the music+art combination reduced apathy in patients with mild or moderate dementia. Continue reading Music plus art therapy for dementia-related apathy →
The presence of the APOE epislon4 gene is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, examined whether physical exercise alters the association between APOE gene and amyloid deposition in normal adults. Continue reading Lowering dementia risk in selected people →
Researchers at the National University Hospital, in Singapore, studied the association between taking long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements and cognitive decline in an older Chinese. Continue reading Omega-3 and the risk of dementia →
Researchers at Harvard Medical School, in Boston, examined the effect of taking folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 on cognitive change in women with cardiovascular disease or risk factors cardiovascular disease. Continue reading B vitamins and the risk of dementia →
Dr. Keith Wollen at Washington State University, in Port Angeles, has written a review of treatment options.
Let’s focus on CAM. Continue reading Review: CAM for treating Alzheimer’s disease →
A couple of years ago, researchers at the University of Florence, in Italy, reviewed the effects of the Mediterranean diet on the risk of death and the occurrence of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases.
Now, they’ve updated their findings. Continue reading Review: Broad benefits with the Mediterranean diet →
Researchers at Griffith University, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, studied the effects of foot massage on agitated behaviors. Continue reading Foot massage for patients with dementia →
Herbals and other CAM are being aggressively marketed for both prophylactic and therapeutic effects in regard to memory disorders.
Researchers at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City, reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Review: CAM to treat memory loss →
The conventional view of family caregivers highlights their burdens.
Researchers from Singapore found that caregivers may also find “meaning and enrichment in their caregiving journey.” Continue reading Growth through caregiving →
Researchers at Kaohsiung Medical University, in Taiwan reviewed the evidence related to music’s effect on people with different mental illnesses. Continue reading Sumarizing the mental health implications of music therapy →
One hundred years ago, German physician Alois Alzheimer described “eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Hirnrinde” (a peculiar disease of the cerebral cortex) in Auguste Deter, a 51-year-old woman who had severe memory, language, and behavior problems. His autopsy results revealed a dramatically shrunken brain and unusual abnormalities in and around brain cells (shown here in black).
What’s this got to do with caffeine? Continue reading Caffeine and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease →
Researchers at the University of Manchester, in the UK, compared Melissa officinalis aromatherapy — also referred to as lemon balm — to donepezil (Aricept). Continue reading Melissa to treat agitation in Alzheimer’s disease →
Products derived from the black chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa, are claimed to be beneficial in disorders or diseases associated with oxidative stress. But these claims are based primarily on laboratory and animal research.
Researchers at Hebrew University, Jerusalem reviewed the evidence in people. Continue reading Review: Black chokeberry →
It’s suggested, based on laboratory and clinical studies, that ginseng may have beneficial effects on cognitive performance (reasoning).
This Cochrane review evaluated the evidence in healthy people. Continue reading Does ginseng aid cognition? →
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