Almost half of older adults take vitamin D with or without calcium.
Researchers at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, in Australia, reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Review: Vitamin D supplements fail to change bone density
Almost half of older adults take vitamin D with or without calcium.
Researchers at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, in Australia, reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Review: Vitamin D supplements fail to change bone density
An expert committee of the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) with a multi-specialty council of medical experts in the field of bone health have updated recommendations.
Let’s focus on prevention, which emphasizes many of the CAM topics that dominate this website.
Continue reading Updated recommendations to prevent and treat osteoporosis
Low vitamin D levels are associated with depressive symptoms, especially in people with a history of depression.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, in Amherst, evaluated the impact of daily supplementation with vitamin D combined with elemental calcium on depression. Continue reading Testing the effect of vitamin D treatment on symptoms of depression
Vitamin D appears to affect many health outcomes.
An international group of researchers reviewed the literature to see if there’s an effect on mortality. Continue reading Benefit of vitamin D and calcium in the elderly
Researchers at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, investigated the association between vitamin D blood levels and depression. Continue reading Linking vitamin D and depression
Here’s the new European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) position statement on the role of vitamin D after menopause. Continue reading New vitamin D recommendations for menopausal women
Researchers at the University College London, in the UK, investigated the association between vitamin D levels and hyperglycemia in older people. Continue reading Vitamin D and high blood sugar levels in the elderly
Low vitamin D levels are associated with reduced lung function (FEV1), impaired immunologic control, and increased airway inflammation.
Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have vitamin D deficiency. So, researchers at the University Hospitals Leuven, in Belgium, studied whether supplementation with high doses of vitamin D could reduce the incidence of COPD exacerbations. Continue reading Treating COPD with vitamin D has reported problems with 29% of the vitamin D supplements selected for testing and review. Continue reading More quality control problems with Vitamin D
Medscape has posted a review by researchers at West Virginia University, in Morgantown. Continue reading Review: Near legendary status of vitamin D
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston, investigated the effect of calcium + vitamin D-supplemented orange juice on weight loss and visceral (internal organs) adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults. Continue reading Calcium + vitamin D effect on abdominal fat mass
An international group of researchers reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Vitamin D and the risk of death in the general population
Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, studied healthy expectant mothers. Continue reading Safety of vitamin D during pregnancy
This relationship is potentially of high public health importance because of the adverse effect of both on well-being.
Researchers at the Royal Free and University College, London Medical School, in the UK, investigated the association. Continue reading The association between vitamin D and hyperglycemia in older people
Higher prevalence of hypertension among African Americans is a key cause of racial disparity in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Researchers in New York and California assessed the contribution of vitamin D to racial disparity in blood pressure. Continue reading Vitamin D and high blood pressure in African-Americans
In this Cochrane review, researchers at the University of Nis, in Serbia, assessed the beneficial and harmful effects of vitamin D for prevention of mortality in adults. Continue reading Might vitamin D prevent death?
Calcium supplements are widely used to help prevent osteoporosis but have been associated with a possible increase in the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
Now, researchers from the UK and Denmark have presented an alternative view. Continue reading More on calcium supplements and the risk of cardiovascular disease
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, reviewed the evidence. Continue reading Vitamin D and the risk of falls in the elderly
Several studies suggest that the response to bisphosphonates could in part be dependent on circulating blood levels of vitamin D.
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York City, examined the association between blood levels of 25 hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] and the response to bisphosphonate treatment. Continue reading Importance of vitamin D for bisphosphonate therapy
The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) found no reduction in risk of prostate cancer with vitamin E supplements.
As a follow-up, researchers in the US determined the long-term effect of vitamin E and selenium in relatively healthy men. Continue reading Vitamin E and an increased risk of prostate cancer