Category Archives: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Complementary treatments for osteoarthritis

Former Medical Director, of the Rosenthal Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine, at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York City, Dr. James Dillard, reviewed the evidence.

Here’s what we know. Continue reading Complementary treatments for osteoarthritis

Benefits in type 2 diabetes of eating fatty fish

Dietary advice is the basis of treatment of diabetes, but there’s uncertainty about the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Researchers at Uppsala University, in Sweden, compared the effects of diets rich in omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids on glucose and lipoprotein metabolism in these patients. Continue reading Benefits in type 2 diabetes of eating fatty fish

Review: CAM for ADHD

Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are frequently given to children and adolescents for reputed benefits for hyperkinetic and concentration disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Researchers in Arizona and Australia assessed the evidence based on the results of studies providing an acceptable standard of evidence. Continue reading Review: CAM for ADHD

Balancing the heart benefits vs mercury risks in fish

The benefits of eating fish on heart attack risk is mostly due to the effects of omega-3 fatty acids. But, fish also contains methylmercury, which may increase the risk of heart attack.

Researchers at Umea University, in Sweden, determined how eating fish and red blood cell concentrations of mercury and selenium are related to the risk of a heart attack and whether omega-3 fatty acids are protective. Continue reading Balancing the heart benefits vs mercury risks in fish