Category Archives: Folic Acid

CAM options for treating depression

Emily Matthews, a reader of this blog, provides this overview of depression and complementary treatment options.

About 20 million Americans suffer from clinical depression. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, are thought to contribute to depression. Depression is also associated with diseases like diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, hormonal imbalance, hypoglycemia, stress, impaired thyroid function, environmental toxins, and unhealthy lifestyles. Continue reading CAM options for treating depression

Prenatal use of folic acid and child development

The benefits and risks of folic acid fortification of food – once thought to be clear — are being debated again.

In this study from researchers at the University of Iowa, the effects of prenatal use of folic acid (and other dietary supplements) on child development at 3 years of life were evaluated. This summary focuses on the folic acid results. Continue reading Prenatal use of folic acid and child development