Category Archives: Fiber

Acne treatments

The surest way to know that there is no truly effective treatment for a condition is to count the number of treatment recommendations. The more recommendations, the less likely it is that any of them have a significant effect. I’m not sure if there is a tipping point. Whether 6 or 12 or 20 recommended treatments guarantee that you will have less than complete cure.

Here are some of the recommendations from just one article.

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Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol with diet

A healthy diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, whole-grain, high-fiber foods, and fish, and should contain a small amount of saturated and trans fats.

Researchers at Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, in France, reviewed dietary approaches proven to be associated with lowering LDL-cholesterol. Continue reading Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol with diet

Unraveling the mysteries of the subaleurone layer in rice

There’s an ingredient in rice that may help control blood pressure and explain the lower risk of cardiovascular disease in Japan.

Researchers at Temple University, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, presented the results of their laboratory study during the annual 2010 Experimental Biology conference. Continue reading Unraveling the mysteries of the subaleurone layer in rice

Ranking diet and exercise to manage high cholesterol

Dr. Robert Kelly (photo) is associate director and curriculum coordinator for the Fairview Hospital /Cleveland Clinic Family Medicine Residency Program.

He lists aspects of diet and exercise that are most and less effective in controlling cholesterol. Continue reading Ranking diet and exercise to manage high cholesterol