Category Archives: Diet-Mediterranean

Balancing the heart benefits vs mercury risks in fish

The benefits of eating fish on heart attack risk is mostly due to the effects of omega-3 fatty acids. But, fish also contains methylmercury, which may increase the risk of heart attack.

Researchers at Umea University, in Sweden, determined how eating fish and red blood cell concentrations of mercury and selenium are related to the risk of a heart attack and whether omega-3 fatty acids are protective. Continue reading Balancing the heart benefits vs mercury risks in fish

CAM in the US: Patterns of use

I’ve largely ignored these studies in the past, but perhaps it’s worth a second look.

To start, this 1993 study by Dr. David Eisenberg, who is now the director of Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies at Harvard University, is considered a landmark in the field of “unconventional medicine.” Continue reading CAM in the US: Patterns of use

Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol with diet

A healthy diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, whole-grain, high-fiber foods, and fish, and should contain a small amount of saturated and trans fats.

Researchers at Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, in France, reviewed dietary approaches proven to be associated with lowering LDL-cholesterol. Continue reading Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol with diet

Oleic acid associated with lower risk of ulcerative colitis

Getting more oleic acids from olive or peanut oils for instance, might lower the risk of this inflammatory disease of the colon and rectum by as much as 90%, reported researchers at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, during Digestive Disease Week. Continue reading Oleic acid associated with lower risk of ulcerative colitis

Ranking diet and exercise to manage high cholesterol

Dr. Robert Kelly (photo) is associate director and curriculum coordinator for the Fairview Hospital /Cleveland Clinic Family Medicine Residency Program.

He lists aspects of diet and exercise that are most and less effective in controlling cholesterol. Continue reading Ranking diet and exercise to manage high cholesterol