Research shows that coffee and caffeine are associated with increased blood pressure (acutely), (nor)epinephrine levels, arterial stiffness and impaired vasodilation.
But according to researchers in the US, drinking just the right amount may lower your risk for heart failure. Continue reading Heart failure and the benefits of drinking coffee →
Some say drinking coffee is associated with slightly higher blood pressure. However, these studies followed patients for less than 85 days.
Researchers around the US collaborated to review the results of longer term studies. Continue reading Defining the effect of coffee on blood pressure →
The relationship between coffee or caffeine consumption and depression is not well defined.
Researchers in Boston and New York report a connection. Continue reading Coffee, caffeine, and the risk of depression →
One hundred years ago, German physician Alois Alzheimer described “eine eigenartige Erkrankung der Hirnrinde” (a peculiar disease of the cerebral cortex) in Auguste Deter, a 51-year-old woman who had severe memory, language, and behavior problems. His autopsy results revealed a dramatically shrunken brain and unusual abnormalities in and around brain cells (shown here in black).
What’s this got to do with caffeine? Continue reading Caffeine and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease →
Studies of the association between coffee drinking and mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease have reported conflicting results.
Researchers in Boston assessed the association between filtered caffeinated coffee mortality during up to 24 years of follow-up in women with cardiovascular disease from the Nurses’ Health Study. Continue reading Coffee and the risk of death in women with cardiovascular disease →
Coffee consumption has been inconsistently associated with stroke incidence and mortality.
Researchers in Sweden and Finland investigated the association between coffee consumption and stroke incidence in women. Continue reading Latest report on coffee and the risk of stroke →
In some cases the risk depends on how much you drink each day.
Researchers in the Netherlands report the risk of morbidity and death from stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD), and for mortality due to any cause. Continue reading Coffee, tea, and cardiovascular risk →
Researchers from the University of Milano, Italy, list what we know. Continue reading Functional foods and cardiovascular risk →
Researchers from The University of Sydney, in Australia report the findings of meta-analyses of coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea consumption on the risk of diabetes. Continue reading Coffee, tea, and the risk of diabetes →
These study results differ from past research, but it’s probably a better study. Continue reading Coffee not associated with heart failure →
 So, here’s a list of studies on CAM and stroke that were published in the past year. Continue reading May is stroke month →
Trying to eliminate caffeine from your diet? Chances are you’ll have to try harder. Here’s a comparison of the caffeine content in a variety of coffees.
Continue reading How much caffeine is in that decaf? →
This study by researchers at Malmö University in Sweden suggests that the development of breast cancer might be delayed in women who drink more than 2 cups of coffee each day and have a certain form of the enzyme CYP1A2.
Before you drink more coffee, read on. Continue reading The coffee (caffeine)/breast cancer relationship →
The World Health Organization has predicted a 39% rise in the worldwide prevalence of diabetes by 2030. And an article in The Lancet indicates this might be an underestimation.
Since November is Diabetes Month, here’s a round-up of CAM options for people with diabetes from 2006 through March 2007.
Continue reading CAM and diabetes: An update of recent studies →
Both beverages have antioxidant properties, and coffee may improve insulin sensitivity.
OK, but is there an association between coffee and tea consumption with the risk of stroke? Continue reading Coffee, tea, and the risk of stroke →
Coffee is a complex mixture of more than 1,000 compounds, some of which are linked to good and others to bad effects on human health.
Among the good stuff is soluble dietary fiber, according to an article in Science Daily.
Continue reading Coffee as a source of fiber →
Contrary to popular thinking, drinking more coffee appears to lower the risk. Continue reading Coffee and the risk of gout →
Here’s the latest information from 2 studies from Dartmouth University in New Hampshire and Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Continue reading Clarifying the effects of caffeine on insulin and diabetes →
Recently, 4 patients experienced seizures multiple times following heavy consumption of energy drinks. The authors proposed that energy drinks rich in caffeine, taurine, and guarana seed extract could have provoked these seizures.
Here’s what we know about guarana thanks to researchers from the University of Florida at Gainesville and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) in Amazonas, Brazil. Continue reading Seizures associated with guarana in energy drinks →
“Patients with psoriasis who drink coffee frequently respond better to treatment with methotrexate and sulfasalazine.” This is the conclusion reported by Dr. Yolanda Helfrich during her presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology in Philadelphia. Continue reading Coffee and psoriasis →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point