Category Archives: Chamomile

Herbals to treat psoriasis: A review of the evidence

Dr. Sharon Jacob from the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Florida and colleagues reviewed the scientific support for herbals used by patients with psoriasis.

Here are the highlights.
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Key points about commonly used herbals

Dr. Darrell Hulisz from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio has written a continuing education article on herbals.

Here are the author’s take-away points, with additional references added. Continue reading Key points about commonly used herbals

A critical review of herbals to treat anxiety and depression

In 2003, Professor Edzard Ernst writing on the Cochrane Collaboration website concluded, “Compared with placebo, kava extract is an effective symptomatic treatment for anxiety although, at present, the size of the effect seems small.” Continue reading A critical review of herbals to treat anxiety and depression

The continuing search to discover medicines from plants

In her book, The Natural History of Medicinal Plants, Dr. Judith Sumner states, “Now, about 40% of all medicinal prescriptions in the United States contain at least one plant-derived ingredient, and European physicians routinely recommend to their patients herbs such as chamomile and coneflower.”

Here’s a report from India that gives insight into the extensive work being done by just one group of researchers to identify new drugs from plants.

Continue reading The continuing search to discover medicines from plants