Herbalists recommend more than a dozen herbal remedies for acne and scarring, according to a recent article.
Unfortunately, only 1 of these herbals is supported by the results of a study in patients. Continue reading Acne: Recommendations are easy; data, scarce →
Researchers at the University of Queensland, in St Lucia, Australia, evaluated tea tree oil + lavender oil. Continue reading Treating head lice, naturally →
Dr. Sharon Jacob from the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Florida and colleagues reviewed the scientific support for herbals used by patients with psoriasis.
Here are the highlights.
Continue reading Herbals to treat psoriasis: A review of the evidence →
The New England Journal of Medicine has published a report of 3 boys aged 4, 7, and 10 who were diagnosed with gynecomastia, which the authors attributed to the use of the oils when it resolved after they stopped using them.
Thanks to a reader who brings us up to date. Continue reading Gynecomastia associated with excessive use of lavender oil and tea tree oil →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point