Black/Blue CohoshBleeding DisordersChinese MedicineCholesterol/LipidsEchinaceaGarlicGinkgoGinsengHawthornHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureLicoriceMotherworthSaw PalmettoYohimbine
Risk of taking herbals in people with heart disease
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Arizona collaborated to review the risks of herbal:drug interactions. The abstract is...
Acupuncture/ pressureAnxiety (Panic)/DepressionAromatherapyArt, Music, DanceBiofeedbackHomeopathyHypnosisLavenderMassageMotherworthPregnancyRaspberry LeafTENS/FNS/VNSTherapeutic Touch
The value of CAM for pain relief during labor
Professor Michel Tournaire and Dr. Anne Theau-Yonneau have reviewed the literature. Few publications report a statistically significant reduction in labor...