Black/Blue CohoshBleeding DisordersChinese MedicineCholesterol/LipidsEchinaceaGarlicGinkgoGinsengHawthornHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureLicoriceMotherworthSaw PalmettoYohimbine
Risk of taking herbals in people with heart disease
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Arizona collaborated to review the risks of herbal:drug interactions. The abstract is...
Benefits of hawthorn to treat heart failure
Professor Ernst and colleagues from the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in the UK report significant benefit in symptom control...
Sunflower therapy for dyslexia
It seems to improve self-esteem but not cognition (eg, perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning) or literacy, according to a recent...
Alcoholism/Drug AbuseAnxiety (Panic)/DepressionChamomileGarlicGinkgoHawthornKavaLavenderLemon/LimePalliative/End of LifePassionflowerPhytoestrogensPoppyProf. ErnstSaw PalmettoSt. John's Wort
A critical review of herbals to treat anxiety and depression
In 2003, Professor Edzard Ernst writing on the Cochrane Collaboration website concluded, “Compared with placebo, kava extract is an effective...
Crataegus Extract WS 1442 is not effective congestive heart failure therapy
In people with advanced congestive heart failure (CHF) WS 1442 (aka, hawthorn) does not change the incidence of death due...