Interaction of Ginkgo biloba with antiplatelet drugs
Back in the ‘90s there were several reports of serious interactions in people who used Ginkgo biloba with other “blood...
Ginkgo biloba fails to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers in France participating in the GuidAge Study Group assessed the long-term use of standardized ginkgo biloba extract in elderly...
Review: CAM for ADHD
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are frequently given to children and adolescents for reputed benefits for hyperkinetic and concentration disorders...
Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 to treat Raynaud’s
Cold temperatures or strong emotions in people with Raynaud’s phenomenon (disease) result in blood vessel spasms (attacks), which block blood...
Alzheimer's DementiaCoenzyme Q10Cystic FibrosisGinkgoGinsengHuperzine AOmega-3 Fatty AcidsResveratrolTurmeric
Review: CAM for treating Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Keith Wollen at Washington State University, in Port Angeles, has written a review of treatment options. Let’s focus on...
Herbal and dietary supplements on cognition in menopause
Prof. Ernst and colleagues evaluated the evidence regarding the effects of herbal and dietary supplements on cognition (ability to reason)...
Review: CAM to treat memory loss
Herbals and other CAM are being aggressively marketed for both prophylactic and therapeutic effects in regard to memory disorders. Researchers...
Risk of drug interactions with dietary supplements
Researchers in the US reviewed the incidence and severity of potential interactions between prescription medicine and dietary supplements.
Herbal supplements: Caveat Emptor
Researchers at the University of Leeds, in Woodhouse, evaluated written information provided with commonly used herbal products in the UK...
Do herbals and dietary supplements affect cognitive decline?
Prof. Ernst and colleagues reviewed the evidence during menopause
Reviewing non-pharmacological options to prevent migraine
At the University of Turin, in Italy, researchers reviewed the evidence. And contributors to the US Headache Consortium tell us...
Bleeding DisordersChinese MedicineDanshenDong QuaiFenugreekGarlicGingerGinkgoGinsengSt. John's WortTea
Effects of herbals on warfarin therapy
Researchers at the University of Hong Kong, in China, studied the risk for an herbal:warfarin interaction in patients with non-valvular...
Risk of death and the use of supplements
Researchers at the University of Washington, in Seattle, evaluated whether 13 vitamin and mineral supplements and glucosamine, chondroitin, saw palmetto,...
Review: Herbal treatments for prementrual syndrome
Some herb remedies seem useful, according to researchers at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in Italy.
CAM use among African American breast cancer survivors
Researchers in Boston and Washington, DC, determined the prevalence of multivitamins, folic acid, and herbal supplement use.
Treating tardive dyskinesia with Ginkgo biloba
Tardive dyskinesia is a disorder that involves involuntary movements, especially of the lower face. Researchers at Peking University, in Beijing,...
Do we overhype drug-supplement interactions?
Real and hypothetical concerns exist. Dr. Mark Moyad (photo), who is Director of Preventive and Alternative Medicine at the University...
Should the use of Ginkgo biloba be restricted?
Researchers from Rheinischen Friedrich Wilhelms-UniVersitat, in Bonn, Germany think is should. Here’s a summary of their rationale.
Ginkgo biloba for intermittent claudication?
Intermittent claudication is the classic complaint of people suffering from peripheral arterial disease. It’s associated with muscle pain in the...
Ginkgo-efavirenz interaction in patients with HIV
Researchers from the Netherlands report a patient whose HIV viral load increased with the development of drug resistance because ginkgo...