Faculty members from Hamdard University in New Delhi, India have published a review on Medscape of treatment options for acne, with emphasis on herbal treatment options.
Here’s a summary of the herbal section. Continue reading Herbal treatments for acne vulgaris →
The surest way to know that there is no truly effective treatment for a condition is to count the number of treatment recommendations. The more recommendations, the less likely it is that any of them have a significant effect. I’m not sure if there is a tipping point. Whether 6 or 12 or 20 recommended treatments guarantee that you will have less than complete cure.
Here are some of the recommendations from just one article.
Continue reading Acne treatments →
Researchers at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, in Uganda evaluated the use of herbal medicines among patients at the HIV clinic of Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. Continue reading Use of herbal medicines during HIV/AIDS treatment →
Researchers at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, in Iran studied Aloe vera cream to reduce pain and promote healing. Continue reading Aloe vera following hemorrhoidectomy →
There’s evidence that about 5% of hypertensive Nigerians use aloe vera to lower blood pressure.
Researchers at the University of the Pacific, in Stockton, California, studied the effects of oral aloe vera on blood pressure measurements. Continue reading Does aloe vera affect blood pressure? →
Dr. Sharon Jacob from the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Florida and colleagues reviewed the scientific support for herbals used by patients with psoriasis.
Here are the highlights.
Continue reading Herbals to treat psoriasis: A review of the evidence →
Scabies is a contagious skin disorder caused by a mite (photo) that burrows into skin and causes an itchy rash. Topically applied prescription drugs are effective but have side effects; and cost is an issue in developing countries.
Researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University, in Nigeria compared the response to Aloe vera vs benzyl benzoate (Ascarbiol). Continue reading Treating scabies with Aloe vera →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point