Category Archives: Light Therapy

Light therapy improves sleep in soldiers with post-traumatic stress syndrome

Researchers at the University of South Carolina in Columbia report; “bright light therapy produced a significantly greater improvement than placebo in sleep disturbances specific to post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).”

The study (see abstract 0706) will be presented during the 24th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC. Continue reading Light therapy improves sleep in soldiers with post-traumatic stress syndrome

Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder

Sarah Pullman writes about her experience with The LiteBook Elite. She suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and had success with the older model.

I thought it might be useful to read her anecdotal experience in light (Oops! Couldn’t help myself) of what we know from the literature. Also, Shoi, who has the credentials, comments on the post.
Continue reading Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder