Category Archives: Aromatherapy

What you should know about aromatherapy

If you expect aromatherapy to cure a major illness, you will probably be disappointed, according to AromaWeb — a source of practical information on this complementary treatment.

The available scientific evidence (such as it is) supports this statement. The Natural Standard website (which charges a membership fee) conducted literature reviews on the various applications of aromatherapy and concluded that even for the best documented conditions (eg, anxiety and agitation), the data are conflicting and based on small, poorly designed trials.

However, to conclude from this that aromatherapy is to be avoided would be excessive. Its current use is not intended to replace standard medical care but complement it. If using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, improves your sense of psychological and physical well being, by all means, indulge yourself.

Continue reading What you should know about aromatherapy

Aromatherapy for pain during labor?

Many women want to avoid pharmacological or invasive methods of pain management during labor, and this may contribute towards the popularity of complementary methods of pain management.

In this Cochrane review, researchers at the University of Western Sydney, in Australia, evaluated the evidence supporting the aromatherapy for pain management in labor. Continue reading Aromatherapy for pain during labor?

Using CAM to improve the lives of cancer patients

During the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, researchers at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, in Perth, Western Australia reported less distress, and improvements in pain, fatigue, nausea, appetite, sleep, breathing and bowel function. Continue reading Using CAM to improve the lives of cancer patients