It’s the first device approved to prevent migraine headaches, and the first transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device specifically authorized for use prior to the onset of pain.
Here’s what we know about Cefaly. Continue reading TENS device FDA-approved for migraine prevention →
People with “tennis elbow” (lateral epicondylitis) experience pain over the outer side of the elbow, which may extend down the forearm.
Researchers at Keele University, in Staffordshire, UK, studied the response to TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) added to typical treatment. Continue reading TENS to reduce pain intensity in patients with tennis elbow →
Clinicians in California described their clinical practice, which uses the simultaneous interview technique (SIT). Continue reading SIT and the co-disciplinary pain clinic →
Former Medical Director, of the Rosenthal Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine, at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York City, Dr. James Dillard, reviewed the evidence.
Here’s what we know. Continue reading Complementary treatments for osteoarthritis →
Myofascial trigger points may cause joint pain, headaches, and other kinds of pain so severe that it doesn’t respond well to painkillers.
Researchers at CEU-San Pablo University, in Madrid, Spain, assessed the response to burst application of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Continue reading TENS to treat latent myofascial trigger points →
Orthosis is a device applied to a human limb in order to control or enhance movement or prevent bone movement or deformity. An example is shown in the photo.
Researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, in The Netherlands, evaluated whether community-dwelling chronic stroke patients wearing an ankle-foot orthosis would benefit from changing to functional electrical stimulation of the peroneal nerve. Continue reading TENS for patients using ankle-foot orthosis following stroke →
Researchers at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, in Bournemouth, UK investigated the immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in patients with latent upper trapezius trigger points compared to placebo.
Trigger points are discrete, localized, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle, which can produce referred pain and tenderness. Continue reading TENS to treat upper trapeszius trigger points →
Dr. Frank Andrasik (photo) at the University of West Florida, in Pensacola has reviewed the evidence for each category of biofeedback.
Here’s what we know about preventive or acute therapy for migraine. Continue reading Review: Biofeedback for headache →
It’s one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal problems.
The authors evaluated the effects of combined chiropractic interventions on pain, disability, back-related function, overall improvement, and patient satisfaction in adults with low back pain. Continue reading Cochrane Library reviews real world chiropractic for early low back pain →
Quadriceps activation deficits (delayed muscle activation, see photo) are common in people with tibiofemoral (knee) osteoarthritis.
Researchers at the University of Toledo, in Ohio, studied transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) set to a sensory level and therapeutic exercise to increase quadriceps activation in people with tibiofemoral osteoarthritis. Continue reading TENS for people with osteoporosis →
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) devices produce electrical currents to stimulate nerves through unbroken skin.
Here’s the Cochrane review. Continue reading TENS for cancer pain →
Researchers at the University Medical Centre Utrecht and De Hoogstraat, in The Netherlands surveyed the use of CAM in a large group of Dutch patients with spinal cord injury. Continue reading CAM for spinal cord injury pain →
Primary writing tremor (PWT) is a type of task-specific tremor that occurs during and interferes with handwriting. It’s not “writers cramp” and probably differs from other forms of tremor, although the pathophysiology isn’t clear.
Researchers at INSERM, in Paris, France tested transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a treatment. Continue reading Testing TENS for primary writing tremor →
There’s little evidence supporting the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) during labor, but does that mean it shouldn’t be recommended?
Researchers from the University of Manchester, in the UK come to a bewildering conclusion. Continue reading TENS for pain relief during labor? →
Researchers from Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra, in Göteborg, Sweden compared high-frequency, high-intensity transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) vs intravenous conventional pharmacological treatment after surgical abortion. Continue reading Using TENS to treat pain after abortion →
Researchers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University report benefit in hemiparetic (weakness on one side of the body) stroke survivors. Continue reading Using TENS to increase the effectiveness of exercise after stroke →
Itchiness is a common and distressing problem among patients with burn wounds.
In a recent review, researchers from the UK listed massage as an effective treatment. Continue reading Massage to treat pruritus in burn patients →
Of the many symptoms experienced by those at the end of life, pain is one of the most common, feared, and often undertreated,
Dr. Perry Fine from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City reviews the treatment options, including CAM. Here’s a summary. Continue reading CAM options to treat pain at the end of life →
Despite limited evidence, this Cochrane review concludes that women should have the choice of using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) during labor. Continue reading TENS for pain relief in labor →
 Here are the results of a Cochrane review of non-drug options in advanced stages of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Continue reading Non-pharmacological treatments for breathlessness →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point