The American Heart Association has summarized the blood pressure-lowering effects of several alternative approaches and provided recommendations for their use.
Here’s what we know in people with blood pressure (BP) levels higher than 120/80 mmHg. Continue reading Review: Benefits of CAM to help treat hypertension →
Breathlessness (aka dyspnea) is difficult to manage in palliative care.
Researchers in the UK reviewed and ranked the most effective nonpharmacological strategies. Continue reading Nonpharmacological strategies for breathlessness →
Surveys suggest many people with asthma use it, often without the knowledge of their healthcare providers.
Researchers at the University of Southampton, in the UK, reviewed the evidence. Continue reading The value of breathing training in asthma → tells us, “When fibromyalgia pain or fatigue is severe, you might not be thinking clearly… Having a plan to follow gives you a sense of control over your signs and symptoms.” Continue reading Plan to treat fibromyalgia pain in advance →
During the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, researchers at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, in Perth, Western Australia reported less distress, and improvements in pain, fatigue, nausea, appetite, sleep, breathing and bowel function. Continue reading Using CAM to improve the lives of cancer patients →
Researchers at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Brazil, evaluated the effectiveness of inspiratory muscular training on strength, resistance, functional performance, and quality of life among chronic stroke survivors. Continue reading Inspriatory muscle training in patients following stroke →
Asthma affects over 15% of Australian Aboriginal people. This is at least 50% higher than in non-indigenous Australians.
Researchers at the University of Southern Queensland, in Australia, studied whether Aboriginal people would engage in music lessons to increase their knowledge of asthma and support management of their asthma. Continue reading More digeridoo playing in Australia →
Researchers from several US medical schools surveyed the students. Continue reading Survey of American medical students about CAM →
Researchers at Arizona State University, in Tempe studied the effects of breathing rate following thermal pain in women with fibromyalgia syndrome. Continue reading Effect of breathing rate on pain and emotion in women with fibromyalgia →
There was a significant difference in patient satisfaction, according to researchers in Chicago.
But what about their pain? Continue reading Effects of deep breathing on pain management →
Normocapnic hyperpnea is a form of endurance training for respiratory muscles.
This study reports it’s useful in people with myasthenia gravis. Continue reading Endurance training for people with myasthenia gravis →
 Researchers from the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil evaluated the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy during the immediate postoperative period among patients who had elective upper abdominal surgery. Continue reading Chest physiotherapy after upper abdominal surgery →
Medscape has published a review written by clinicians from around the US.
Let’s focus on 6 supportive care options for chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, aka chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis. Continue reading Supportive care for chronic fatigue syndrome →
 Researchers from the University of Ferrara, in Italy tell us yoga-derived breathing improves gas exchange in patients with chronic heart failure and in people exposed to high-altitude hypoxia.
Here’s what they found in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Continue reading Yoga in patients with COPD →
The use of prayer is rarely queried in surveys of CAM use. Here are the highlights from a Centers for Disease Control survey on the use of CAM. It’s based on interviews with more than 31,000 adults. The report is available here (then go to the “Barnes PM” link) and here. Continue reading The use of prayer as CAM →
 Here are the results of a Cochrane review of non-drug options in advanced stages of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Continue reading Non-pharmacological treatments for breathlessness →
Here’s a follow-up to earlier posts here, here, and here on the use of CAM in the US as surveyed by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Continue reading Most commonly used CAM in the US →
Get out your MP3 player if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
As the researchers from the University of Hamburg state in their ivory tower way, “Auditory distraction might… serve as an intervention for the reduction of dyspnea [difficulty breathing] during exercise in this patient group.” Continue reading Music helps breathing in people with COPD →
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) sometimes claim to experience immediate subjective benefit when they purse their lips while exhaling. It’s called pursed lips breathing and results in a positive expiratory pressure (PEP).
Are they wasting their breath? Continue reading The value of PEP in obstructive lung disease →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point