Category Archives: Copper

Dissapointing recommendations to treat Alzheimer’s disease

These recommendations, from a group of experts, take a narrow view of Alzheimer’s disease. They focus on early detection and the use of existing prescription drugs.

That’s fine as far as it goes, but what about those with advanced Alzheimer’s? Why not develop a more comprehensive approach?

If I might quote Paul Harvey, “here’s the rest of the story.” Continue reading Dissapointing recommendations to treat Alzheimer’s disease

Chelation therapy meets nanotechnology

There is evidence that abnormal concentrations of positively-charged metal ions (eg, copper, iron, and zinc) interact with beta-amyloid in the brain during the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, correcting these abnormal levels might help people with this disease. (The photo shows yellow amyloid plaque surrounded by black neurofibrillary tangles.)

One option for treatment is chelation.

Continue reading Chelation therapy meets nanotechnology