Category Archives: Chromium

CAM and diabetes: An update of recent studies

The World Health Organization has predicted a 39% rise in the worldwide prevalence of diabetes by 2030. And an article in The Lancet indicates this might be an underestimation.

Since November is Diabetes Month, here’s a round-up of CAM options for people with diabetes from 2006 through March 2007.
Continue reading CAM and diabetes: An update of recent studies

Getting specific about CAM-drug interactions

Dr. Philip Hansten from the University of Washington School of Pharmacy has spent more than 30 years chronicling and documenting drug interactions.

In an article in Pharmacy Times, he and Dr. John Horn focus on the risks for people with diabetes or taking blood thinners. Continue reading Getting specific about CAM-drug interactions

Toxic metals and pesticides in the ayurvedic formulation, Dashmoola

Dashmoola is a popular herbal formulation in ayurvedic medicine. It’s used to reduce fever and modify the immune response.

In this study, scientists from the National Botanical Research Institute in Lucknow, India tested the roots and stems from 10 herbs used to prepare Dashmoola. Continue reading Toxic metals and pesticides in the ayurvedic formulation, Dashmoola

Herbal supplements for weight loss: What works, what doesn’t

In preparation for the upcoming weight management conferences in Europe, here is what we know about the value of herbals as an aid to weight loss.

Continue reading Herbal supplements for weight loss: What works, what doesn’t

Prevalence of diabetes in the US in 2006

The Centers for Disease Control has just published the latest data on the prevalence of diabetes in the US.

  • 11% of adults aged 40 to 59 years
  • 23% of those 60 and older have diabetes

Is it any wonder that so many CAM therapies are studied in people with diabetes?

A quick listing of CAM entries for diabetes on this blog is provided below. Or, click the button on the right sidebar to see all of the diabetes entries.

Continue reading Prevalence of diabetes in the US in 2006