Category Archives: Reiki/Touch

In Ayurveda “dis” means deprived of, “ease” means Comfort

The Second World Ayurvedic Congress ended on November 12th.

Aleksandra Suriel, a nurse from Calgary, Albert attended. She’s a yoga teacher, and reiki master, with an interest in energy medicine. Inspired by the meeting, here’s her perspective on Ayurveda and Western medicine.

“Our western world knows only how to cure, but doesn’t know how to live a healthy life.”
Continue reading In Ayurveda “dis” means deprived of, “ease” means Comfort

Trying to document the effects of Johrei

Johrei (pronounced Jo-ray) is a non-touch healing method similar to reiki. It involves channeling of “universal healing energy” to influence the health of another person. Three studies in the past 15 months have attempted to correlate subjective changes with other objective outcomes.

Here’s a quick review.

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The essential reiki

Most of the benefits reported with Reiki are based on the personal experiences of those who receive treatment and those who administer it.

Several years ago I met Michael W. Smith, a Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) master in practice at the Women’s Place at Carroll County General Hospital in Westminster, Maryland. I interviewed him and later wrote two articles.

The first was an edited transcript of our conversation covering the basics of Reiki.

  • The essential Reiki
  • Reiki levels and attunement
  • A Reiki treatment session
  • The appropriate role for Reiki treatment today

The second article describes the effect of reiki on a woman with Alzheimer’s disease. It also compares Reiki to touch therapy and massage.

Taken together, they are, if I say so myself, a good way to begin to understand this form of complementary therapy.

8/11/06 00:25 JR