The National Center for Contemporary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has updated their introductory reviews.
Here’s what’s important. Continue reading NCCAM reviews reiki and ayurvedic
 The National Center for Contemporary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has updated their introductory reviews.
Here’s what’s important. Continue reading NCCAM reviews reiki and ayurvedic
The results from this study at the Department of Nursing of the University of Texas-Pan American in Edinburg suggest, “healing touch treatment is associated with both physiological and psychological relaxation.†Continue reading The physiological response to touch therapy. Does it matter?
Therapeutic touch (TT) reduced pain and fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, according to this study by researchers in Iran.
But, how do we account for the placebo effect? Continue reading Effects of therapeutic touch on cancer pain
More than 50 major hospitals and clinics throughout the United States offer energy healing to patients
This study by researchers from the University of Washington concluded, “Neither reiki nor touch improved the symptoms of fibromyalgia.” Continue reading Does reiki complement pain control in fibromyalgia?
 The Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center opened Sept. 2nd in Baltimore, Maryland. Continue reading Complementary and integrative medicine at Johns Hopkins
Beliefnet lists 9 forms of massage. How many can you name? Continue reading Massage for what ails ya
Professor Ernst finds that “The value of reiki remains unproven.” Continue reading Is there a role for reiki in medicine?
This study was published in Complementary Health Practice Review.
Get ready. Continue reading Abrupt termination of healing touch
A survey of more than 6000 US hospitals by the American Hospital Association reveals that among 1400 responders, the percentage of hospitals offering at least one CAM service increased from 8% in 1998 to 27% in 2005. Continue reading More US hospitals offering CAM
Presently, “Anyone can set themselves up as an acupuncturist, homoeopath, herbalist, or other complementary therapist,” reports TimesOnLine.
This will change in April 2008. Continue reading Regulating CAM in the UK
The name Reiki originates from Japanese REI (spirit) and KI (energy, life force). Reiki therapy utilizes spiritual, or universal, energy to assist the healing process.
Several years ago I interviewed Reiki master Michael W. Smith.
The Second World Ayurvedic Congress ended on November 12th.
Aleksandra Suriel, a nurse from Calgary, Albert attended. She’s a yoga teacher, and reiki master, with an interest in energy medicine. Inspired by the meeting, here’s her perspective on Ayurveda and Western medicine.
“Our western world knows only how to cure, but doesn’t know how to live a healthy life.”
Continue reading In Ayurveda “dis” means deprived of, “ease” means Comfort
Johrei (pronounced Jo-ray) is a non-touch healing method similar to reiki. It involves channeling of “universal healing energy” to influence the health of another person. Three studies in the past 15 months have attempted to correlate subjective changes with other objective outcomes.
Here’s a quick review.
Most of the benefits reported with Reiki are based on the personal experiences of those who receive treatment and those who administer it.
Several years ago I met Michael W. Smith, a Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) master in practice at the Women’s Place at Carroll County General Hospital in Westminster, Maryland. I interviewed him and later wrote two articles.
The first was an edited transcript of our conversation covering the basics of Reiki.
The second article describes the effect of reiki on a woman with Alzheimer’s disease. It also compares Reiki to touch therapy and massage.
Taken together, they are, if I say so myself, a good way to begin to understand this form of complementary therapy.
8/11/06 00:25 JR