High phosphate blood levels are associated with a higher risk of death due to heart disease in patients with advanced kidney disease. Despite current treatments, only half of patients receiving kidney dialysis maintain recommended phosphate levels.
Researchers from the US, UK, and Italy assessed the phosphate-binding capacity of the natural polymer chitosan added to chewing gum. Continue reading Chitosan lowers phosphate levels in kidney disease →
A couple of PharmDs from Ohio have published a review of 16 weight loss supplements (and 1 drug) used to help shed excess girth.
I’ll give just the bottom line on each supplement here. Continue reading Popular weight loss supplements reviewed →
Dr. Philip Hansten from the University of Washington School of Pharmacy has spent more than 30 years chronicling and documenting drug interactions.
In an article in Pharmacy Times, he and Dr. John Horn focus on the risks for people with diabetes or taking blood thinners. Continue reading Getting specific about CAM-drug interactions →
In preparation for the upcoming weight management conferences in Europe, here is what we know about the value of herbals as an aid to weight loss.
Continue reading Herbal supplements for weight loss: What works, what doesn’t →
Chitosan is a pulverized powder made from the shells of shrimp and crab. It was discovered as part of an effort to clean up oil spills.
Its value in blocking fat absorption in humans is controversial. Here are the results from relevant studies.
Continue reading A critical look at chitosan for weight reduction →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point