The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the overall prevalence of hypertension among US adults between 2003 and 2010 was 30%, or about 67 million people. About 36 million (54%) had uncontrolled hypertension.
Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, examined the prevalence of CAM use among older adults with and without diagnosed high blood pressure and the degree to which CAM is used specifically for the treatment of high blood pressure. Continue reading CAM use among people with high blood pressure →
Energy drinks are consumed by 30% to 50% of adolescents and young adults. The manufacturers claim they are safe.
Researchers at the University of Miami, in Florida reviewed the evidence and came to a different conclusion. Continue reading Safety of energy drinks →
Researchers in Winnipeg, Manitoba surveyed the prevalence of CAM use in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Continue reading CAM use in the Manitoba IBD Cohort Study →
While rhinoviruses cause upto half of colds, up to 200 other viruses have been implicated.
Researchers at the University of Ottawa, in Ontario, reviewed the evidence for CAM to treat and prevent the common cold. Continue reading CAM for the common cold? →
Researchers at the Universitaire de Caen, in France, studied the effects of bagged larvae on wound debridement compared with conventional treatment. Continue reading Maggot therapy for wound debridement →
Researchers at Friedrich Schiller University, in Jena, Germany, studied the influence of a probiotic supplement alone and combined with a calcium supplement on lowering blood cholesterol levels. Continue reading Calcium, probiotics, and cholesterol metabolism →
Diabetic patients face lower limb amputation when lesion on the foot or leg don”t heal.
During the meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, researchers at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, reported the response to biosurgery using the sterile larvae of the green blow-fly (Lucilia sericata). Continue reading Maggots help heal wounds in diabetic patients →
This Cochrane Review assessed the effectiveness and safety of probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory infections (URTIs). Continue reading Probiotics improve a person’s health →
Mastitis is an infection of breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth, and redness of the breast. It’s a common infection during lactation.
Researchers at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, in Spain compared 2 lactobacilli strains isolated from breast milk to antibiotic therapy of lactational mastitis. Continue reading Treating mastitis with probiotics →
Daily supplementation with a synbiotic preparation lowered this risk, according to researchers at Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, in Italy. Continue reading Synbiotics and the risk of common winter diseases in kids →
Chronic epicondylitis (tennis elbow) is a painful condition with few treatments. It’s caused by overuse of the extensor muscles of the forearm.
Researchers in Germany tested whether leech therapy might provide symptomatic relief. Continue reading Leeches to treat tennis elbow →
Dr. Gayle Nicholas Scott at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, reviewed the evidence on Medscape . Continue reading Should L-carnitine be taken to treat angina pectoris? →
Here are 2 Cochrane reviews that evaluate the evidence for using probiotics to treat persistent diarrhea, and the value of probiotics + rehydration to treat diarrhea.
Continue reading Review: Probiotics to treat diarrhea →
It’s a popular herb used in many forms (ie, oil, leaf, leaf extract, and leaf water).
Researchers at the San Diego-Rady Children’s Hospital, in California, compiled what’s known. Continue reading Review: Peppermint (Manta piperita) →
Researchers in the US and Israel describe the use of CAM in women with chronic vaginitis and the epidemiologic factors associated with these treatments. Continue reading CAM use among women with vaginitis →
Researchers at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, describe 4 patients with allergic contact cheilitis (inflammation of the lip) following exposure to peppermint oil contained in a lip balm product. Continue reading Contact dermatitis from lip balms that contain peppermint oil →
No, according to researchers in the UK who conducted the VenUS II study.
But should that be the ultimate measure of its value in patients with venous ulcers? Continue reading Are maggots cost-effect for leg ulcers? →
Researchers at the Academic Medical Center, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands studied symbiotic therapy to prevent asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis–chronic inflammation of the skin. Continue reading Synbiotics and preventing asthma-like symptoms in infants →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point