Herbalists recommend more than a dozen herbal remedies for acne and scarring, according to a recent article.
Unfortunately, only 1 of these herbals is supported by the results of a study in patients. Continue reading Acne: Recommendations are easy; data, scarce →
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are frequently given to children and adolescents for reputed benefits for hyperkinetic and concentration disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Researchers in Arizona and Australia assessed the evidence based on the results of studies providing an acceptable standard of evidence. Continue reading Review: CAM for ADHD →
Researchers in Korea and the US studied EstroG-100 — a mixture of standardized extracts of Cynanchum wilfordii, Phlomis umbrosa and Angelica gigas. Continue reading Effect of EstroG-100 on menopausal symptoms →
Researchers at the University of Hong Kong, in China, studied the risk for an herbal:warfarin interaction in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Continue reading Effects of herbals on warfarin therapy →
Functional constipation doesn’t have an anatomical or hormonal cause.
Researchers at Hong Kong Baptist University, in China studied ma zi ren wan (Hemp Seed Pill), which is a branded product. Continue reading Hemp Seed Pill to treat functional constipation →
In Japan and China, Ten-Cha is a commonly used complementary alternative medicine for allergic rhinitis.
Researchers in China studied Ten-Cha (Rubus suavissimus), which is commonly known as either Sweet Tea Extract or Chinese Blackberry Extract. Continue reading Ten-Cha to treat house dust mite allergic rhinitis →
Here’s a summary of a Cochrane review of herbals to treat stable angina — aka chronic angina.
In stable angina, chest pain occurs with activity or stress. The pain begins slowly and gets worse over several minutes before going away. Continue reading Traditional Chinese herbals to treat stable angina →
Dr. Xiu-Min Lee (photo) is Director of Mount Sinai’s Center for Chinese Herbal Therapy for Allergy and Asthma, in New York.
She has reviewed the evidence and believes that traditional Chinese medicine can help treat food allergies and asthma. Continue reading CAM for pediatric allergic disorders →
Antiwei is a traditional Chinese prescription used to treat influenza.
Researchers at Sichuan University, in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China report it is effective and well tolerated. Continue reading Antiwei to treat influenza →
Shengmai-yin (Sheng Mai Yin Pian) is a concentrated Chinese herbal medicine used to “treat a deficiency of vital energy and Yin, palpitation and shortness of breath, faint pulse, and spontaneous perspiration,” according to ActiveHerb.com.
Researchers at Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China report a patient who appeared to suffer from an interaction with warfarin (Coumadin). Continue reading Interaction between Shengmai-yin and warfarin →
Researchers from the University of Western Sydney, in Australia report no benefit after 16 weeks of treatment. Continue reading Herbal formula fails to prevent menopausal vasomotor symptoms →
During the annual scientific meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), researchers discussed how herbal treatments may be integrated into conventional allergy treatments, including this Chinese herbal formula.
Here’s what we know about FAHF-2, a Chinese herbal formula being tested to treat food allergies. Continue reading Food Allergy Herbal Formulation (FAHF-2) →
This Cochrane review reports that flawed study design limits the usefulness of the data reported. Continue reading Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs to treat chronic fatigue →
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Arizona collaborated to review the risks of herbal:drug interactions.
The abstract is a bit skimpy on details, but the American Pharmaceutical Association has a nice summary, which will be summarized further here. Continue reading Risk of taking herbals in people with heart disease →
Guasha (aka Gha Sha) is used in Chinese medicine to control pain. It uses tools to scrape or rub the surface of the body to relieve blood (Xue) stagnation (video here).
Researchers from the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, in Daejeon, South Korea reviewed the supporting evidence. Continue reading Using Gausha to treat musculoskeletal pain →
Researchers from the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, in The Netherlands measured levels in Asian traditional herbal preparations that are available on the Dutch market. Continue reading Mercury, arsenic, and lead levels in herbals →
Duhuo Jisheng Tang “tones†the liver and kidney. It also tones Qi and blood.
I confess, I don’t know what that means, but researchers from Taipei, Taiwan studied its safety. Continue reading Is Duhuo Jisheng Tang safe? →
HAART is the acronym for Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy — aggressive treatment used to suppress HIV viral replication and the progression of HIV disease.
Researchers from the Hospital San Pedro, in Spain surveyed the use of medicinal plants in HIV patients receiving HAART. Continue reading Prevalence of CAM use during HAART in HIV →
Medscape has reported the results of 3 studies presented during the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting. Continue reading Research on Chinese herbals for asthma and allergy →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point