Category Archives: Chinese Medicine

Review: CAM for ADHD

Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are frequently given to children and adolescents for reputed benefits for hyperkinetic and concentration disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Researchers in Arizona and Australia assessed the evidence based on the results of studies providing an acceptable standard of evidence. Continue reading Review: CAM for ADHD

Interaction between Shengmai-yin and warfarin

Shengmai-yin (Sheng Mai Yin Pian) is a concentrated Chinese herbal medicine used to “treat a deficiency of vital energy and Yin, palpitation and shortness of breath, faint pulse, and spontaneous perspiration,” according to

Researchers at Zhejiang University, in Hangzhou, China report a patient who appeared to suffer from an interaction with warfarin (Coumadin). Continue reading Interaction between Shengmai-yin and warfarin

Risk of taking herbals in people with heart disease

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Arizona collaborated to review the risks of herbal:drug interactions.

The abstract is a bit skimpy on details, but the American Pharmaceutical Association has a nice summary, which will be summarized further here. Continue reading Risk of taking herbals in people with heart disease