Category Archives: Moxibustion

Moxibustion and acupuncture to treat breech presentation

Breech presentation (opposite direction of the normal position of the fetus) is common in the mid-trimester of pregnancy, with an incidence of 3% to 4% by full term. Women with breech presentation have problems delivering vaginally.

Researchers from Beijing University, in China and the University of Troms, in Norway reviewed the literature on moxibustion, acupuncture, and other acupoint stimulations to correct breech presentation. Continue reading Moxibustion and acupuncture to treat breech presentation

The growth of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in North America

Legislation has been submitted in Ontario, Canada to regulate acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. This is the culmination of an ongoing process that started in Canada in 1994. The proposed legislation would create a self-governing regulatory college, and restrict the practice of acupuncture to members of the profession who would be able to use title, doctor.

In North America, it’s the latest event in the growth of acupuncture, which was virtually unknown here until 1972 when China opened its doors to the West.

Continue reading The growth of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in North America