Its claimed anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties in homeopathic medicine have led to a number of studies in patients with acute pain.
Researchers at University of Witten/Herdecke, in Germany reviewed the evidence for using St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) for pain conditions in homeopathic dental practice. Continue reading Does anyone use St. John’s wort to treat dental pain? →
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the overall prevalence of hypertension among US adults between 2003 and 2010 was 30%, or about 67 million people. About 36 million (54%) had uncontrolled hypertension.
Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, examined the prevalence of CAM use among older adults with and without diagnosed high blood pressure and the degree to which CAM is used specifically for the treatment of high blood pressure. Continue reading CAM use among people with high blood pressure →
Two recent studies report marked differences in the use of homeopathy.
First, homeopathy in the US. Continue reading What’s trending now in visits to homeopaths →
Researchers in Winnipeg, Manitoba surveyed the prevalence of CAM use in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Continue reading CAM use in the Manitoba IBD Cohort Study →
Researchers at the Regional Research Institute of Homeopathy, Jin aipur (Rajasthan), India, studied patients with acute otitis media. Continue reading Homeopathic vs conventional treatment of otitis media →
Researchers at the Tuscany Regional Homeopathic Reference Centre, in Italy, studied the long-term outcome of children suffering from atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema) after an about 8 years. Continue reading Homeopathy for children with atopic dermatitis →
Researchers at Monash University, in Victoria, Australia, examined the scientific evidence for the use of CAM to stimulate labor. Continue reading Review: CAM options to induce labor →
Most people suffering from fibromyalgia use a variety of complementary or alternative medicine treatments to manage their symptoms.
Prof. Ernst has updated his review of the CAM options from a year ago. Continue reading Review of CAM for fibromyalgia →
It’s probably one of the most popular uses of CAM.
Researchers in Australia reviewed the evidence. Continue reading CAM for insomnia? →
It’s a common vaginal infection caused by a yeast-like fungus.
Researchers from the Medical University of Vienna, in Austria compared treatment with itraconazole (Sporanox) to classic homeopathy. Continue reading Itraconazole vs homeopathy to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis →
At the University of Turin, in Italy, researchers reviewed the evidence.
And contributors to the US Headache Consortium tell us why it’s important. Continue reading Reviewing non-pharmacological options to prevent migraine →
Researchers at Aldermoor Health Centre, Aldermoor Close, Southampton, UK compared homeopathic consultation to homeopathic remedies. Continue reading Why do patients with rheumatoid arthritis respond to homeopathy? →
Homeopaths claim to have good success in treating atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema).
Researchers from Germany put it to the test. Continue reading Classical homeopathy to treat atopic eczema →
Researchers in Germany evaluated whether homeopathy influences long-term outcome in critically ill patients suffering from severe sepsis (bloodstream infection). Continue reading Homeopathic treatment of sepsis →
Prof. Ernst searched the Cochrane review database for the term “homeopathy” in the title, abstract, or keywords. Continue reading The best evidence on homeopathy →
Research from California and Iowa support the value of added time with a qualified healthcare professional. Continue reading The value of the consultation in treating cardiovascular disease →
Prof. Ernst sees encouraging evidence for some treatments.
But does it matter? Continue reading CAM use among US adolescents →
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Fair, Balanced, and to the Point